Democratic National Convention Announces Platform Drafting Committee Members

The Democratic National Convention Committee has announced who will be on the all important Platform Drafting Committee. The committee will include an impressive mix of Clinton and Sanders supporters, as well as a key member associated with climate change activism.

The committee is assembled by the CND Chair, who this time around is Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

The members that will represent the presidential campaigns (75% of the members) were chosen to proportionately represent the candidates according to the current vote tally from the primaries.

The platform committee will include, as voting members, Hon. Howard Berman, Paul Booth, Hon. Carol Browner, Rep. Keith Ellison, Rep. Luis Gutiérrez, Rep. Barbara Lee, founder Bill McKibben, Deborah Parker, State Rep. Alicia Reece, Bonnie Schaefer, Ambassador Wendy Sherman, Neera Tanden, Dr. Cornel West, and James Zogby. Maya Harris from the Clinton Campaign and Warren Gunnels from the Sander campaign will be non-voting but official members of the Committee as well.

The Platform Executive Director will be Andrew Grossman.

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By colnago80 (not verified) on 25 May 2016 #permalink

To the victor goes the rules committee. Anything else would be very unusual and incredibly stupid.