It's been a long time coming. While Arthur C. Clarke's satellites have taken to space, and James Bond's futuristic mobile technology has become common place, still the dream of sustained personal flight has eluded us. But the future is here! Finally we can all take flight as Martin Aircraft in New Zealand releases the first commercially-available jet pack! Click here to buy your jetpack!
I have yet to see a computer language that offers anything not available in Basic, in so far as the language itself goes. But Basic has been maligned as the ruination of computer coding. There is an alternative opinion out there.
As we all know, the Skepchicks are all about boobs and nothing else. Typical chicks. Can't think of anything else. And their boobs have commanded me to make one more request from my readers to consider donating some money to the senseless no-account purpose-free orgy that they will be hosting here in the Twin Cities here in July. Click here for details. And if you think I'm being sarcastic, that's funny. Because you're only reading what I'm writing. Your not seeing what I'm thinking.
A while ago, I complained that the people running the LHC did not have their act together when it came to managing and disseminating information for the interested public. I took a little flack for that (see comments) but I was right. And I'm still right. We (the interested public) were just recently given a very nice overview of the potential for the next several months of research. Then, today, we find out that the LHC is fundamentally busted and will be shut down for a significant rebuild. And part of that news is that this has been the plan for a long time. But I guess they forgot…
If you are old enough to have seen the original release of The Empire Strikes Back at the cinema in 1980, you almost certainly remember the extraordinary short film that preceded it. Otherwise you won't know a damn thing about it: with not one picture or accurate plot summary anywhere on the web, Black Angel has become a bit of an internet holy grail in itself. ... check it out
The information in this post has been updated, expanded on, and moved to THIS LOCATION.Please click through, and sorry for the inconvenience.
Well, you could be dead, I suppose. But the American Family Association says that you can X-out your gayosity by starting a relationship with Jesus Christ. They don't specify the nature of the new relationship you'd be having. Anyway, Joe My God suggests that you Freep this poll.
One of my blog heros, the author of Urban Science Adventures! (TM), has been very bravely and openly discussing her thesis progress on line. Now, she is ready to defend her thesis, and it is going to be presented live on the internet. I direct you to her blog for details. This is going to be interesting.
This is a piece by Rolf Heuer, Director General of CERN explaining what is happening over at LHC. A must read.
Al Weisel was a bloggers blogger and he helped me when I started out. We maintained a modest off-line relationship and had a good on line one as well. He has died, and he will be missed. This was his site, and this is a post honoring him. You may have known him as as Jon Swift.
I'm a bit preoccupied with my recent injury and not blogging about much else, so I might as well update you on The Knee and all it entails. Warning: Self referential commentary and icky stuff below the fold. Friends, you already know much of this. People who don't know me, you don't want to read this. This is for the in between people. There will be no discussion of needles, because I'm done with the needles, so E.W., you're cleared to proceed if you wish. Not all the people who went into the hospitable two weeks ago on the same day I did made it out alive, or at least so I assume. I'm…
This is very interesting. Have a look at the PDF, I'd love your opinion. Hat tip: Chuck Todd.
My detailed expert analysis of the Academy Awards presentation show: First off, did anyone else think it was strange that the best picture award was announced while the best director winner was barely off stage, and without any of the usual stuff that goes along with any given award happening first? Like a commercial, a wind up, a celebrity announcer, etc.? Was this the people who run "The Oscars" (as in the TV show) being pissed at the people who run "The Academy" for upping the number of Best Pic nominations from five to 10? I had been thinking lately about the fact that there are very…
March 8th is International Woman's Day. Good story here.
A lot has been said lately about judgementalism and blame. Well.... I just think everybody has to watch this video before they buy their next goat: Anybody know what the point of all this is? Hat Tip Rob.
It's tomorrow, IIRC (same as my brother). Many happy returns, PZ.
As expected, the home schoolers are by and large doing it wrong. No wonder they are always trying to hide the statistics behind manufactured libertarian values. Christian-based materials dominate a growing home-school education market that encompasses more than 1.5 million students in the U.S. And for most home-school parents, a Bible-based version of the Earth's creation is exactly what they want. Federal statistics from 2007 show 83 percent of home-schooling parents want to give their children "religious or moral instruction." source Hat tip: Ana
Quiche Moraine, The Blog, started up in mid Janurary, but it was around this time last year that we announced its existence and had our first party in its honor. We have produced 264 posts and had almost 2,000 comments. Please stop over and read all of our posts.