Democracy Corps Poll

This is very interesting. Have a look at the PDF, I'd love your opinion.

Hat tip: Chuck Todd.

More like this

Hat tip: Todd.
As an anthropologists, I have a LOT of thoughts about this. I'd love to know your thoughts. (Sorry the embedding is so obnoxious. There was no obvious way to remove the ads.) Hat tip: This site
This looks like a fun project. I think it works so well, or at least, seams to in the video because LEDs are so damn efficient. I would make it somewhat differently, but this is good. For one thing, I'd probably make it out of an LED flashlight, swapping out the batteries for a motor. And then…

I see a few interesting things in here. The press seems to want to blame Obama for the disillusionment among the electorate, but the likely drop-off voters approve of the job he's doing (in general and on basically every issue but Iraq) and are generally warmer toward him than the likely voters.

They also tend to be more negative about institutions but more positive about how individual issues are being handled. They're generally more liberal/progressive, but the wording of some of the questions seems to have confused them, or at least they gave less progressive answers in some unexpected places. They have lower education overall, perhaps because of age. They are younger and less engaged in general.

Overall, I'd say we're looking at a group of people who don't want to have to work at politics, who want a vote every couple of years to make all the difference they need to make.

Wait, what? This is just a boring poll. I thought it had to do with how we were going to stock and run the FEMA camps.

Mostly I'm with Stephanie on this - there seems to be a kind of uninformed malaise reflected (I could be projecting the malaise). Too many people seem to subscribe to the fallacy of the golden mean - or perhaps I should coin a variation on that: if I said "fallacy of antipodean repulsion" would you know what I meant?

By Uncle Glenny (not verified) on 09 Mar 2010 #permalink