Source and more commentary
...all you need to do to not die from the flu is to "eat healthy" and take lots of vitamins. If you eat healthy and take lots of vitamins and get the flu, your lymph nodes will swell up a little but that's all.... ...Addicts totally made their own decision to become addicted and then become thieves because they needed a fix. If I have to exercise my constitutional rights and shoot this addict breaking into my home, then so be it. That is not my problem.... ... and so on ... I couldn't help it. I wrote a raving political rant over at Quiche Moraine.
Have a look at this: This year Kolibri Expeditions started working with the communities of the Amarakaeri Communal Reserve lying just next door to Manu. Going down the Alto Madre de Dios river Manu is to the left and Amarakaeri reserve to the right. The birding has been just fantastic with birds like Black-faced Cotinga, Rufous-headed Woodpecker and Peruvian Recurvebill as regulars. They have four quite good lodges along the regular Manu route donated by the world bank and USAID and in spite of mostly having shared bath, they are very well built and have all the potential in world to become…
You know, I think we've done a lot of good stuff at Quiche Moraine, but this post by Mike Huabrich is a step beyond and above what we've managed so far. Mike visited the recent town hall meeting held by Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and provides us with reporting and commentary. Have a look.
So I'm standing there at the Al Franken booth at the State Fair chatting with a volunteer and this run of the mill Minnesotan working or middle class looking couple comes along and says hi. Another volunteer starts to say "would you like to..." and the woman cuts her off and says "No, we're AGAINST that!" pointing to a petition favoring health care reform. I reeled and was about to slam the bitch but I held myself back at the last second and watched the volunteer handle it. Well, OK, I wasn't really going to slam her, but when I saw her "Keep your hands off our health care" button, heard…
This one of what women find attractive in men. "We have found that women evaluate facial attractiveness on two levels -- a sexual level, based on specific facial features like the jawbone, cheekbone and lips, and a nonsexual level based on overall aesthetics," said Robert G. Franklin, graduate student in psychology working with Reginald Adams, assistant professor of psychology and neurology, Penn State. "At the most basic sexual level, attractiveness represents a quality that should increase reproductive potential, like fertility or health." On the nonsexual side, attractiveness can be…
All my thoughts are fault related is looking for some new geological metaphors. Please go help here out. My contributions are below the fold. Half-Life. verb. Never quite getting to the point because with each thing you say you are only half way there. "He tried to tell me about his date last night but all he did was half-life me."? Flood Plain. adjective. So uninteresting that it leaves one dripping with excitement, NOT. "Her new outfit was, like, totally flood-plain. Like, really." Gneiss. adjective. Muscular and buff. Hard bodied. "After that work out, I'm feeling really…
Yes, but not necessarily because it is wrong. Some time ago researchers proposed that the modern DNA signal indicated that chimps and humans continued to interbreed long after they split in evolutionary time. A new study refutes this, and as the author states, this new study is more correct because it "simpler and hence more likely". Wow. Let us begin at the beginning: There was no interbreeding between chimps and humans. not even "early humans," because they did not exist yet, so when Elie Dolgin (or a Nature editor? Henry?) makes this statement: "A genetic analysis has called into…
Go check out Everything Worth Reading, in which a post of mine is dubbed "Post of the Month" ... there area LOT of great posts referenced there, so do browse around!
I am now blogging full time so expect about a ten fold increase in posts per day. I'm only kidding about the ten fold increase. In fact, you should expect a decrease in quantity because I've got two simultaneous writing projects and that will be taking up more of my time. Also, once the offspring is born, that will be a bit of time as well. Over the next few weeks I'll be refining, focusing, and reorienting the blog a bit. I'm looking at what people actually read and what people seem to mostly ignore, so that I can stop bothering with that which is ignored. If you have comments,…
This is a very fun video to watch for so many reasons ...
The practice of growing food and keeping livestock was invented numerous times throughout the world. One 'center' of agriculture is said to be the Middle East. Despite the fact that calling the Middle East a "center" in this context is a gross oversimplification, it is true that agriculture was practiced in Anatolia and the Levant for quite some time before it was practiced in Europe, and it seems that the practice more or less spread from the middle east across Europe over a fairly long period of time. Archaeologists have long asked the question: Was this a spread of agricultural people…
... is waiting for you at Quiche Moraine.
Good morning and welcome to another installment of "The Falsehoods." Today's falsehood is the assertion that the poor have more babies than the rich, or that the poor just have more babies to begin with. In comparison to ... whatever. Now, before you rush off to the Internet and find some table or graph that shows higher fertility in women of lower SES than higher SES, or a high birth rate among Nigerians, I want to acknowledge right away that such evidence is easy to find, and it is easy to take that evidence and construct the obnoxious sentence that titles this post. Yes, that is all…
First it was woo. Then it was Russian Brides. And now..... This funny ad from yesterday: And this one staring at me right now: '
That's The Mike, of Tangled Up in Blue Guy, and Quiche Moraine. The title of this post, "Ignorance of how evolution works is amazing to behold. " is a quote from one of my favorite (recent) posts by TUIB Guy, which is called: The Agony and The Irony. A close second is Logic and Perspective. Please stop over at Mike's blog, wish him a happy birthday, and have a look at these posts. KTHXBAI
Enjoy this before it goes away. Embeding may get disabled at any moment. Hat Tip: Lightning Fingers Liz
I'm not entirely sure which of my friends and relatives like the Minnesota State Fair and which don't. In some cases it is quite clear. If you are my facebook friend, you know that John Funk thinks the State Fair is what Hell would be like, and Stephanie Zvan revels in being a Bad Minnesotan because she does not participate in The Great Minnesotan Get Together (as it is called). If you are NOT my Facebook friend, then click here. I can fully understand why people would not like the State Fair. In fact, I'm rather surprised that I like it. This is surely the sort of thing that I would…
".. here's the toll free number for the hair club for wizards!.." The wrap-up is totally stolen from Indiana Jones. Sorry about the ads at the end. Hat Tip: Miss Cellania