I used to smoke. And I would roll my own. Bible pages work great for that. So, I'm kinda glad Glddeon has been leaving these bibles around everywhere. But I don't want them to think it is a good idea. So please visit PZ and learn about the latest poll. For you. To crash.
I know someone (never mind who) who used to tie herself to a chair while studying in order to not randomly get up and go do stuff. (Obviously, she could untie herself in case of emergency.) Now, there's a new way to do that: Parents struggling to get their kids to revise in the run-up to exams can now keep them at their desk using a ball and chain that only unlocks when they have studied for long enough. Concerned mums and dads set the desired study time on the Study Ball and attach it to their child's ankle. A red digital display counts down the "Study Time Left" and the device beeps…
Both, I hear, are rather litigious at times (man, am I ever going to get sued). So, when Microsoft patents Harry Potter's Magic Wand, how will that go? "Newly-disclosed USPTO documents show that Microsoft is seeking patent protection for a 'Magic Wand,' a device with various gizmos and sensors that can manipulate and interact with its environment, including video and holographic images, while using biometrics to connect with the user. 'Even the most pragmatic individual,' explains Microsoft, 'would have trouble arguing against the merits or utility of, say, a magic wand that actually…
Hat Tip: Feminist Law Professors
Think about that. Cuts are almost always regressive. Taxes can be progressive. But not in Minnesota, because of our dumb-ass governor. Hat Tip: Ana
I have always preferred train travel over flying, when practical. I have no fear of flying, and when I do fly, I try to sit by the window because I love looking down at the lay of the land and the tiny cars on freeways. I am still a kid that way. I love to fly, but I would prefer a train... Please check out You Are Now Free to Move About the Car, the latest post by Mike, at Quiche Moraine Dot Com
Hat Tip: Glen Gould
Press release from NASA regarding Spirit, which has been stuck in the sand ... NASA's rover project team is using the Spirit rover and other spacecraft at Mars to begin developing the best maneuvers for extracting Spirit from the soft Martian ground where it has become embedded. A diagnostic test on May 16 provided favorable indications about Spirit's left middle wheel. The possibility of the wheel being jammed was one factor in the rover team's May 7 decision to temporarily suspend driving Spirit after that wheel stalled and other wheels had dug themselves about hub-deep into the soil.…
So it came to pass that Amanda seemed to be somewhat ill .... nausea, tired for no reason, that sort of thing. About the same time both of us started to rearrange the furniture a lot and we were both gathering small sticks and pieces of moss and putting them in the bottom of the closet. Then the local dogs and cats started to act strangely when we would come in and out of the house. Eventually, we decided to go to the doctor and see what was going on. And it turns out... .... That Amanda is Pregnant! According to the shaman with the little round dial at the health clinic, the due date is…
I have an important announcement to make. I am going to make this announcement on facebook first, so if you are my facebook friend already go have a look.
Scientific American names the 10 most important leaders in science and technology ... a press release from the National Center for Science Education OAKLAND, CA May 18, 2009 Barack Obama and Bill Gates are in good company. The NCSE's Dr. Eugenie C. Scott joins Obama and Gates as members of the Scientific American 10 honor roll. This honor roll pays tribute to the ten people in the last year who have "demonstrated exceptional leadership and accomplishment in guaranteeing that future technologies will be applied to the benefit of humanity". Past honorees include Al Gore, stem cell…
Every place is different, and some places are more different than others. ... So we're channel surfing and working at the same time ... Amanda is working on her Transitive Phosphorescent Anisotopy or whatever the heck it is she's working on, and I'm messing around with making networks work, and Super Nanny comes on. They're in Boston and they're bowling, and Amanda looks up and goes "What the f*ck kind of bowling is that?" So I look up and see the nine pin bowling and say "That's nine-pin bowling. That's how they do it in Boston" "Uffda." Eyes Roll. Click off TV. Back to the anisotopy…
Sexual topics are largely taboo in China, so as a result, many people walk around not knowing what they really need to know about this important topic. Recognizing this problem, the Chinese Government has decided to build a huge, totally OTT sex theme park. Presumably all Chinese citizens will be required to go and enjoy this park. China is building what is billed as its first sex theme park, aimed at improving both the sex education and the sex life of its visitors. Due to open in Chongqing in October, Love Land will include displays of giant genitalia, naked bodies and an exhibition on…
Dogs: Cats:
Just in case you need one... No, this does not mean that this blog is going that way. But a lot of blogs are, so this may be useful.
You will of course be supplying your own drinks and party food, as we are a strictly non-profit institution. The party is for the launch of the new blog Quiche Moraine. When should this party be? Where should it be? Now is your opportunity to let us know what you think. We hijacked the thread on this post to discuss this issue. Please pop over and chime in.
I hope you always, daily, check out Bora's list of new and exciting on PLoS. The Carnival of Space is here. Please submit your science posts to Scientia Pro Publica
It was May, 1992, and I was in a stupor of post thesis-completion cortisol letdown and alcohol-induced lethargy, and Mark Pagel was talking to me as I slouched in a large comfortable chair in the Peabody Museum's smoking lounge. "It's obvious what they need to do," he was saying, and I could tell from the look on his face, even in my foggy state of mind, that a morsel of wisdom marinated in humor was about to be served up. I swear this stuff works great. "Hrmphsmeh," I replied, indicating that he should continue, I was interested. "They need Ross Perot." "Hrmph???," I knew Mark (and…
Pierre Curie (photo from wikipedia) ... husband of Madam Dr. Maria Sklodowska-Curie, and famous scientist in his own right. Curie was an early explorer of the method of crystallography, and studied electromagnetic energy including "radioactivity."
More proof that Republican = Loon. And I'm not talking about birds. Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy