We know this because every single thing this African American Republican strategist has publicly said up until today has been towing the party line on McCain and the party line against Obama no matter how utterly stupid and wrong it clearly was. Until today, when he (as I see him commenting on Hardball) has decided to embrace the whole Obama is the President thing. I don't know how he's lived with himself to now, and apparently he did not either. This is possible because for the Republican Party (prior to its demise) the truth was not really a factor.
By the way: You know that at the moment, the current vote count (with nearly three million votes cast) in the Coleman - Franken Senate race in Minnesota is just over 200 votes and fluctuating. This raises the possibility of a perfect tie. Minnesota law stipulates that at tie be settled by lot. That could be a coin toss, or it could be by drawing straws, etc. Were that to happen, what kind of stupid crap would come from Coleman ... What 9 year old rule changing or sophomoric complaining would we have to endure????
We took an informal survey of the PDN staff to determine our picks for the most influential still photographs of the 2008 election. Below are our top five, plus some runners up. What do you think? Your comments are welcome. Go HERE to see these very interesting pictures.
Well? I wish I could give you the video right now. It is just before six o'clock central time, and the discussion on MSNBC just got interesting. Interesting enough that some of you are going to want to write letters to make sure the producers don't do the wrong thing... Stay tuned!!! Oh, the short answer: No, of course he does not. UPDATE: This all played out on David Gregory's new show, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, which replaces the Road to the White House. Today's show was hosted by conservative newswoman Mika Brzezinski, and during the usual discussion with the panel of commentaries…
Cure B Palin More evidence that the Republican Party is about to fly apart into little pieces.
A pilot who suddenly went blind while flying his plane at 5,500ft (1,676m) was guided in to land by an RAF plane. A plane was scrambled from the RAF base at Linton-on-Ouse in North Yorkshire to help stricken pilot Jim O'Neill, 65. He was flying a two-seater Cessna aircraft from Prestwick airport in Scotland to Colchester, Essex, when he suffered a stroke and lost his sight. Holy crap. Details here.
Obama held his first press conference as PE, following a meeting with everybody who is anybody in finance. The conference itself is, indeed, about the economy, and comes on the heels of news about yet another major drop in employment rate in the US. Obama pointed out the obvious fact that we have a government in place at the moment and we have only one government at a time. But he could give some indications of what he and Biden can do the moment Bush steps aside. A significant purpose of this news conference is to show that they are meeting and talking about things, but Obama made a…
Hat tip: Virgil Samms
Both Norm Coleman (R, Incumbant) and Al Franken have set up legal oversight teams for the impending recount in the Minnesota Senatorial race. However, Coleman's lawyer is regisning from the team. Acorrding to the West Central Tribune Online, Coleman's campagin ... ... announced Wednesday evening that former U.S. Attorney Tom Heffelfinger, a Republican, would oversee the recount for Coleman. But Heffelfinger removed himself Thursday morning, saying he had to focus on guiding a city of St. Paul review of law enforcement practices during the Republican National Convention. "I have realized…
.... that is the latest number. The difference between Coleman and Franken in the Minnesota Senate vote count, according to the evening news, just reported.
... of the geography game: ...Perhaps one of the most astounding and previously unknown tidbits about Sarah Palin has to do with her already dubious grasp of geography. According to Fox News Chief Political Correspondent Carl Cameron, there was great concern within the McCain campaign that Palin lacked "a degree of knowledgeability necessary to be a running mate, a vice president, a heartbeat away from the presidency," in part because she didn't know which countries were in NAFTA, and she "didn't understand that Africa was a continent.. Apparently she thought it was a country. A lot of…
There is some nasty stuff happening in Minnesota. I'm thinking the Franken-Coleman election was rigged, and we may be able to prove this over the next few weeks. Meanwhile, in Winona county: Rocks thrown through Democratic Headquarters window: Local authorities are saying that this was revenge rocks being thrown through Obama posters. Regarding the Franken/Coleman race: Yes, the number dropped from four hundred plus (Coleman over Franken) to three hundred plus (Coleman over Franken) when a "1" in the hundreds place was discovered. Was this a mistake or on purpose? A mistake? Of 400…
Coming back to the research base camp, one day, in the Ituri Forest (DR Congo) the first thing I noticed was that our cat was quite dead and even stiff. Her neck had been broken by some sort of carnivore, but strangely, she was not eaten. A leopard or some other creature would have eaten her. Then I heard the news of six men all bitten by a rabid dog. Four goats were also bitten, and some chickens were killed. The drama that ensued over the next few days goes far beyond what I could present in a blog post (perhaps a novella) so I'll tell you the rest of the story some other time. The…
This is from Seabeck, Washington, across the water from Seattle. Ursus americanus is one of those species with a LOT of variation in adult body size. Males can run from 46 to 409 kg (100 - 900 lbs) [ADW], with the average around 100 - 120 kilos. Record size black bears include: North Carolina, shot, November 1998, 880 lbs (399 kg) Winnipeg, road kill, 2001, 856.5 lbs but estimated to have been 886 (402 kg) in life. [source: American Bear Association] Keep in mind that this was a black bear, not a brown bear. There are three kinds of bear in North America: Brown bear (also known as…
Some of you have been asking "What has happened to Ann Coulter lately? We have not seen much of her." Well, I've been seeing a lot of Ann, so I'm not quite sure what you are asking about. Coulter has continued to write for her usual outlets, including her column in Human Events which, which I read. The difference between a year and a half or so ago and now is that mainstream media has stopped picking her up. I think her run in with Elizabeth Edwards that served as the last straw in that regard. I read Coulter's column for obvious reasons, but I should point out that I don't subscribe to…
But this time I was not too far off. This graphic shows my electoral map (on the right, which to you is down until you tilt your computer monitor 90 degrees to the left) and the actual map (on the left, or top).
Earlier today, three voters of Somali origin at the Brian Coyle Center in Minneapolis told me -- and two told an election observer -- that a translator working there was instructing people to vote for Sen. Norm Coleman. Wow. Given that Coleman may win this race by around 500 to 700 votes, this is significant. Did Coleman steal this election? Are we going to let him get away with this? The story is here, and this is a related video:
And if THEY'RE happy, I'm happy. UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown called Tuesday's poll historic and said he and Mr Obama "share many values". Chinese President Hu Jintao said he looked forward to strengthening dialogue. France's Nicolas Sarkozy said the poll had raised "enormous hope". ... UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said he was looking forwards "to an era of renewed partnership and a new multilateralism". In Kenya - the birthplace of Mr Obama's father - President Mwai Kibaki declared a national holiday on Thursday. Pope Benedict XVI asked for "bla bla bla" BBC
... at the untimely age of 66, of cancer. There is a story here.