Click here, then click all over the pretty picture. There are enough details here to keep you amused for at least ten minutes. [Hat Tip: PZ]
Down below the fold where it says "CLICK HERE" .... don't click there! First, make sure the following things are true: 1) You are alone. 2) Your computer's sound is turned up. 2) Nobody can hear you. OK, go... CLICK HERE Hat tip: Joe
They used to say that "The problem with Democrats is that the eat their own young." Not any more. Christopher Buckley, son of ultra conservative dit William F. Buckley, and an ultra conservative dit in his own right, came out with an endorsement of Barack Obama the other day, and as a result, has been forced to give up his position at The Naitonal Review. The National Reivew is an ultra conservative dit of a magazine that if you read you will turn into a pillar of salt. Well, I do say. I had gone out of my way in my ... endorsement to say that I was not doing it in the pages of National…
NEW:Replace Michele Bachmann Blog Carnival #3 Praxis #3 NEW: The Carnival of Evolution New and Exciting in PLoS ONE Open Access Day - the blog posts Carnival of Homeschooling: The Missing Day Grand Rounds!
Consider the following words: The evidence supporting evolution is overwhelming and comes from diverse disciplines, such as molecular biology, paleontology, comparative anatomy, ethology, and biochemistry. There is no controversy among biologists about whether evolution occurs, nor are there science-based alternative theories. Evolution is a unifying theme in biology; teaching it as such is the best way to show students what biology is about and how they can use evolution as a tool to understand our world. [Evolution] is as important an idea as there is in science - it is a great gift to…
A team of archaeologists working offshore from Haifa, Israel in the Mediterranean has discovered both direct and indirect evidence of human tuberculosis. This is important because, if confirmed, the TB cases date to 3,000 years earlier than expected: The disease should not be in skeletons this old. Also, this research seems to indicate that Tuberculosis did not originally arise in cattle to be later transmitted to humans, but rather, the other way around. The site is called Alit-Yam, and it is a 9,000 year old Pre-Pottery Neolithic village. This site is about two or three hundred meters…
Open Access Day They said: "if you publish in an open forum your paper'd be rubbish and clearly hokum" "pub's commercial know how to review with the peerage, how to make data flow and hurdles clearage" "limited space on the page with every new edition so few make the passage, it's editorial selection!" "we have always done and it's never been changed the readers we dunn and the paper's in chains" "what is ought to be why change it now it is so plain to see must limit the flow" But in, PLoS chimed, and challenged that dragon everyone joined and the boycott was on "The authors we'll dunn when…
'Would Richard Stallman insist that the baby be called GNU/Linux? Does a baby named Linux go to sleep and wake up without problems? How often does he outgrow his footwear and require a reboot?' All the answers and more are here.
Is now up at Almost Diamonds, and contains gems such as: The latest statement by Bachmann that has the national onlookers up in arms (and falling down with laughter) is her statement that we don't need to worry about the environment and global warming, because the planet's already been saved--by Jesus. Seriously. Hey, if you are interested in hosting the Replace Michele Bachmann Blog Carnival, send me an email!
A very good day of grunting worms. Credit: Ken Catania So-called Gene-Culture Co-Evolution can be very obvious and direct or it can be very subtle and complex. In almost all cases, the details defy the usual presumptions people make about the utility of culture, the nature of human-managed knowledge, race, and technology. I would like to examine two cases of gene-culture interaction: One of the earliest post-Darwinian Synthesis examples addressing malaria and sickle-cell disease, and the most recently published example, the worm-grunters of Florida, which it turns out is best…
The SpamMimic web application is available for free use and ...will allow you to encode to your choice of generic SPAM, weakly-encrypted SPAM, fake PGP SPAM and fake Russian SPAM. ... If someone's looking for dirt on you, they'll always go for the encrypted PGP ( or GPG) emails you have (assuming they contain valuable information), but they'll never check the tons of garbage SPAM you have sitting in your email box. They'll breeze right past that, assuming it's the typical garbage that SPAM typically is, and your encoded messages will remain safe and undetected. Details and link to this new…
Carnival Of the Godless 102: Mission Impossible Gene Genie 38: Back in action! Praxis #2 The Giant's Shoulders: third edition Medicine 2.0 Blog Carnival Carnival of the Green #148 Carnival of Homeschooling presents: The Simple Pleasures of Homeschooling October Scribes Blog Carnival Book Review Blog Carnival - Second Edition
This is Melisa Riviere. White People sometimes do hip hop. I have a reading suggestion for you. First a little background. I've gotten into a few arguments on race and racism in my time, some on this blog. Racist thinking is all around us. Why just a few hours ago, a neighbor complained that his car had been robbed by the black kids that pass down our street now and then. How did he know it was the black kids? Because the people who robbed his car like hip-hop. How did he know that? Because they didn't take his rock cds. Oh, did they take his hip hop cd's? Well no, he doesn't…
From More More
Do not delay. Do not equivocate. Do not think twice. Just get to the theater and buy your tickets, find a seat, turn off your cell phone, and sit back and enjoy Bill Maher's Religulous! In this film, Maher makes a handful of critically important points. Like, if our world is led by people who are expecting, waiting for, even hoping for, The End Times (or some similar event) then ... well... then we are all deeply fucked. This is probably the main point, backed up by lot of other important points about religion. The other objective of the film is to make fun of religion and religious…
I know a man who is best friends with Huey Newton. I know a woman to who took a class from a professor who is suspected of building a bomb used to blow up (part of) a building in the 1960s. I am closely related to a person who shall remain nameless who was under investigation by the FBI for blowing up (part of) a building during the 1960s. I am part of a group of people who broke some government property at a Viet Nam War protest. Details withheld. When I was a young child I sent a threatenting letter to President Richard Nixon. I was once an active member of what in those days passed…
Son of Buckley is, in fact, also a Buckley. Christopher, to be exact, and pretty much as conservative as his dad. "It's a good thing my dear old mum and pup [sic] are no longer alive. They'd cut off my allowance," Buckley, a columnist for the conservative National Review, wrote on the Web site The Daily Beast Friday. They'd cut off more than your allowance, you traitor!!!! "Obama has in him ... the potential to be a good, perhaps even great leader. He is, it seems clear enough, what the historical moment seems to be calling for," Buckley wrote.