I want to thank Brian at Laelaps for digging this up. Normally, I would just link to him and send you to his excellent site, but this is so freakin' good that I cannot pass this up. But go read Brian's comments on this anyway, please. As Brian points out, Palin explicitly says that she believes that god put this cup in her hand. At least she is getting the point: Yes, Sarah Palin, you ignorant slut, what you say will be used against you. So, you could just: Shut. Up. But please don't. Frankly, I prefer you keep going. I'm rather enjoying this fiasco you call a candidacy. What does…
"If it does not fit, you must acquit" Circumstances can create consequences. If Homer Simpson happens to be opening and closing his mouth in a chewing motion and happens to run into a lemon meringue pie, and thusly happens to eat said pie, it is not Homer Simpson's fault that the pie is eaten. If some black kid happens to be standing on the corner with his friends in South L.A. during a police sweep of the neighborhood, gets nervous and walks against the "Don't Walk Sign" and gets pulled in for jaywalking, it is not society's fault or the fault of the police that this kid who has never…
Of highly autochon ... allotou ... no, allochtonoo...allochthunu... no, that's not right either... .... highly allochthonous!!!!. Give him a visit and say hey!
Here, in part, is Sarah Palin on SNL: Palin banning books: Ever notice how Sarah Palin an Dick Cheney have a LOT of similarities? Gun love, power hungry, and that crooked mouth thing?
Source (where you will also find a Bush train).
In the Gallup Tracking Poll for the US election, Obama leads McCain for the ninth straight day, and for the seventeenth out of the last nineteenth pollings. We will have to see if the absurd new tactics being attempted by Palin and her running mate McCain will have an effect on this one way or another. The current Real Clear Politics estimate has Obama/Biden with 49 percent of the electoral college votes, to Bush/McCain's 30%, with 21% in the 'tossup category." If we look only at the 'solid' electoral votes ... the ones that no one expects to change ... it is Obama with 42% and McCain…
... one by the reporter (listen carefully), the other .... well, the other is running for vice president. On one of the tickets.
Just in case one might think I was exaggerating in my comment that McCain/Palin are playing the "terrorist" card quite explicitly, have a look at the BBC headlines:
News as surfaced linking an influential Minnesota congresswoman to crime that is a least semi-organized. This is not exclusive to Minnesota, but I am frequently annoyed at how the average Minnesotan is aghast that anything like this ever happens here. Bottom Line: A person now linked in a federal investigation to illegal activities paid a huge amount to the Michele Bachmann campaign and soon after Bachmann signed on to supporting a pardon for a previously convicted relative of the accused felon who was already in prison. To the average person who does not live in Minnesota the details are…
McCain/Palin have as of yesterday adopted a new strategy for winning the election. They are now openly and explicitly accusing Barack Obama of being a terrorist. I am not making this up. McCain/Palin are making reference to a fund raiser early in Obama's campaign organized by a former 1960s era radical and calling this "bad judgment" by McCain. Obviously, they have the causal arrow backwards. Obviously, if this was really important (terroristic associations ... links to an organization that tried to blow up the Pentagon, as Palin points out) why would it have come up only after McCain/…
Speaking in Tongues, A Campaign for Jesus, The Third Wave and so on and so forth. Please remember that this is the woman who, when asked if Dick Cheney's power grab as vice president was OK, replied 'yes, and I'd like to do even more'....
Hardware has gotten faster and more powerful, but the damn computers do not boot up any faster than they used to. Well, maybe a little, but not enough. Meanwhile, the primary system people use, Windows, has become increasingly bloated. As a result, it is very difficult, as it always has been, to flip on your laptop to do a quick check of email, the traffic for your commute, weather, etc. In fact, the easiest way to do this today is to fire up your iTouch or your cell phone! Well, according to LinuxDevices.com, Dell has come up with a kick-butt solution to this problem. They are…
The Tangled Bank The Festival of the Trees 28 - Art and Arboreality The Carnival of Evolution #3 Shakespeare Blog Carnival #7 Working at Home Blog Carnival-105th Edition Cancer Research Blog Carnival #14 Just Write Blog Carnival carnival of the vanities Carnival of Cinema: Episode 95 - Do the Blog Thing
Via lifehacker: Don't believe that part about where Jupiter is. As far as I know, the planets move .... (which is why they are called planets, yes?)
In a recent election in the District of Columbia, an extra 1,500 votes were added to the vote count that were never cast. Apparently, these votes were caused by static electricity. Or something. New measures are being taken to make sure irregularities in September's D.C. Primary vote don't happen in November. Officials at the D.C. Board of Elections say they now know what caused 1,500 extra votes to appear in the count. 326 people voted at the Reeves Center precinct on primary election day in September. Their votes were captured on a computer cartridge, but the Board of Elections says…
...in 1908!!!! I debated the fit for this post on this blog vs. my own, and decided that it belongs here for about five or six reason that you can figure out for yourself. Science News has put up a site that shows numerous images from the presidential election of 100 years ago, including actual sound of the candidates stating their position on key issues! The candidates were recorded on the brand new "Edison Phonograph" (which I think did not play Blue Ray but was pretty good anyway). We hear William Jennings Bryan discussing banking regulation, and we heqar William Howard Taft on "Rights…
The Carnival of Space at Alice's Astro Info The Replace Michele Bachmann Carnival!!! New and Exciting in PLoS ONE at A Blog Around the Clock the Athletic Alley blog carnival Friday Ark #211 I and the Bird #85 - The Show Must Go On
The Jackson County School Board has taken action against a teacher who apparently made racial commentary on presidential candidate Barack Obama. According to parents and students in Greg Howard's seventh-grade social studies class, Howard on Friday, Sept. 26 asked the class a question regarding Obama's call for change, and proceeded to write out what the letters C-H-A-N-G-E stood for. "She told me that he wrote on the board 'Can You Help A (expletive) Get Elected, and then laughed about it," said Shelia Christian, a mother of one of Howard's students. Jackson County Superintendent Danny Sims…
Constructivism. Determinism. It is all a bunch of hooey. A recent paper published by PLoS (Culture Shapes How We Look at Faces) throws a sopping wet blanket on widely held deterministic models of human behavior. In addition, the work underscores the sometimes spooky cultural differences that can emerge in how people see things, even how people think. The following is from a PLoS press release: Because face recognition is effortlessly achieved by people from all different cultures it was considered to be a basic mechanism universal among humans. However, by using analyses inspired by…