New McCain/Palin Strategy

McCain/Palin have as of yesterday adopted a new strategy for winning the election. They are now openly and explicitly accusing Barack Obama of being a terrorist. I am not making this up. McCain/Palin are making reference to a fund raiser early in Obama's campaign organized by a former 1960s era radical and calling this "bad judgment" by McCain. Obviously, they have the causal arrow backwards. Obviously, if this was really important (terroristic associations ... links to an organization that tried to blow up the Pentagon, as Palin points out) why would it have come up only after McCain/Palin fell behind in ALL of the polls after the first two debates?

Please tell me that this strategy is not going to work.

Here's some video to annoy and enrage you:


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Well, if that's the case...they better investigate Orrin Hatch.

Why? Well, some of the same people involved with Ayers have contributed money to Senator Hatch....

The other part of the Republican strategy seems to be to blame the mortgage crisis on Barney Frank. In essence they seem to be saying that despite having the congress, the president, and god on their side the decider on the economy was never George Bush. It was Barney Frank. I don't see that as a winning strategy either. Everything they are doing reeks of desperation.

By sarcastico (not verified) on 05 Oct 2008 #permalink

I think McCain bringing any of this up with debates still left to be had will be disastrous for him. How will it look when Obama says, "John, I'm disappointed in you. What happened to the straight talk? X, Y and Z have already looked into this and reported the truth. Why would you lie about it here? Why?" and McCain can't even look him in the eye in response? If I were McCain, I wouldn't touch this.

If you were McCain he'd probably be doing better. I'm hoping he steps in it. That, and a mild heart attack that turns out to be indigestion of course, so he has to be carried off the stage. He should be stricken right after saying a bald face lie. With a thunderstorm going on outside and a coincidental lighting strike on the building at that moment.

Now I've heard everything... Pulling off the gloves huh? Wow but Sarah is looking pretty good with that hair down.

Nice little video there... Terrorists Hmmm? That's so freaking weak... But it's good to have Sarah to look at through all that silliness...

Yes...and audience members are now shouting back that Obama is a "terrorist" (McCain laughed) and should be "killed" (Palin ignored the comment).