Did you click this? It turns out that this is about "extremely drug resistant TB." James Nachtwey draws our attention to "a drug-resistant strain of tuberculosis that's touching off a global medical crisis." Here's the web site.
Mythbusters, factcheck.org, and Snopes have become sources of a special kind of truth for people around the world. Dedicated to undoing legend and independently analyzing political or other rhetoric, these and other sites, as well as various news segments and print media spots, are to be commended for their efforts to turn down the BS meter, which all agree has been running on high ever since the old days, when there was no BS at all. (Which, of course, is an urban myth.) However, what you may not know is that these sites are not necessarily politically neutral, can be quite biased (in non-…
Not surprizingly, PZ Myers has passed both Obama and McCain in the polls. Details here. GO PZ (but keep an eye out for Dave Bacon) We are asking for submission to the Remove Michele Bachmann web carnival, which will be hosted at Tangled Up in Blue Guy next Monday. Please submit your suggestions here. (If that link does not work, just send the submission to me and I'll pass it on, or contact Mike directly via his blog). Palin Gaffe on Vietnam: "John McCain knows how to win a war." The only war that I know of in which John McCain played a part as a combatant was the Vietnam War.…
94 Number of times, according to Repbulicans Sarah Palin and John McCain, that Democrat Barack Obama voted to raise taxes. 23 Of these, the number of votes that were actually against tax cuts. 7 Of these, the number that were likely to lower taxes for most, except some large corporations or ery affluent individuals. 11 Of these, the number that would increase taxes only on people making more than $1,000,000 dollars per year for the funding of Head Start, school nutrition programs, and veterans' health care, etc. 53 had nothing to do with raising or lowering taxes source
Here's El's latest ad. What a guy! Tinklenberg is in a position to really help us out by defeating Michelle Bachman in the upcoming congressional election.
Here! Right here ... where you are looking! Enjoy. Michelle Bachmann is a Dim Bulb Ay yi yi Bachmann on Regulation... What Is the Difference? Michele Bachmann: Worst person (again) Bachmann on ID Bachmann: Blaming minority lending for economic crisis 'does not mean I'm a racist' Michelle Bachmann: A walk down memory lane Michelle Bachmann: Deja Vu All Over Again Submit your entries for the next carnival here!
I had planned to participate in the DonorsChoose blogger's challenge, to help raise money "for the kids" and teachers. This effort, in which many Scienceblogs.com bloggers are involved, is a worthy one, as far as I can see. And I have given this careful consideration. But I have decided, instead, to do something different. I am asking you to help me with this. I want to say that I am very much in support of the bloggers challenge, and I urge you to go to your favorite blog and consider donating. I'm remembering back to the 1992 presidential election. That is the year I got…
Wow. Republican Erik Paulson, running for Minnesota's third district in congress, has just launched an incredibly smarmy attack campaign against nice guy Democrat Ashwin Madia. Here is Madia's response:
Sarah Palin Sarah Plain Sarah Paling Sarah Pain Sarah Palling Sarah Plaint ... Can you tell?
Wow. I step away from the intertubes for an hour and a news landslide happens. They found Fossett's plane in the mountains, crashed at 10K feet. They are now saying, following up on this, that 300 people remain missing after hurricane Ike. The guy driving that train WAS text messaging Palin is still a moron, but now we understand that she is an illiterate moron: In an interview broadcast Tuesday night, Katie Couric Palin which newspapers and magazines she had regularly read in the past to "stay informed and to understand the world?" Replied Palin: "I've read most of them again with a…
This video shows Sarah Palin "on the supreme court." Well, actually is goes beyond that. It shows her MORE on the supreme court. Well, really, it's just Palin More On the Supreme court. Ok, actually it's Sarah Palin Moron, Supreme Court. That's it... And now I give you Sarah Palin. Moron. On the Supreme Court: I think she might be just a little bit dumber than Michell Bachmann. Hard to say. h/t: Brayton
Whenever I think of Michell Bachmann OR Sarah Palin (like there's a difference) ... after I'm done throwing up a little in my mouth, I think of this song by Frank Zappa... That is not really the recommended version, but it will do. The pure lyrics: A fine little girl She waits for me She's as plastic As she can be She paints her face With plastic goo And wrecks her hair With some shampoo Take a day And walk around Watch the nazis Run your town Then go home And check yourself You think we're singing 'Bout someone else . . . but you're Me see a neon Moon above I searched for years I found…
Welcome to the Third Edition of the Carnival of Evolution. The previous edition of this web log 'carnival of the vanities' was at Jason Rosenhouse's Evolution Blog. The next edition will be written by Mike (TUIBG) and hosted here, at Clashing Cultures. Please submit your web posts on Evolution for the next carnival, which is slated for Mid October! Use this handy dandy submission form. And now, on with the show: Newly reconstructed Neanderthal female. (View larger image) A Very Remote Period Indeed presents Fear and Loathing in the Pleistocene. "... [the] narrator announces "Today,…
Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann blames the current mortgage crisis on African Americans. This is why she has won the most recent "Worst Person in the World Award" ... see video below. This is also why the Entire World has to get together and work to have this woman THROWN OUT OF OFFICE in the upcoming election. The Democrat running against her, El Tinklenberg is a great guy and will make a fine representative to congress from the North Star State. Click here to visit El Tinklenberg's Campaign web site. Please send Tinklenberg a donation! The only think keeping him from…
Remember this? Michelle Bachmann is up for re-election. Or not. Visit her opponent's web site! Tinklenberg is Great!
You can still 'vote' on the Sarah Palin 'poll.' This is from the NOW Executive Producer: So, is the Palin poll now "scientific"? Absolutely not. It is still subject to large scale efforts on the left and the right to mobilize people to vote. The poll has become something of a Rorschach test, a tiny political marker in a tightly contested race. Over the past two weeks, the results of the poll see-sawed back and forth from a majority saying "No" to a majority saying, "Yes". At the moment the single-voter system was implemented, it was close to a tie: 50% say Sarah Palin is qualified to serve…
If you have facebook, an excellent series of photographs of the Republican National Convention has been posted there by regular blog reader and CPF Analiese Miller. HERE This is a must see.