Their proposals need to be subject to argument and amenable to reason. and so on. Hat Tip: Pharyngula.
Check this out: Obama's speech in Raleigh launching his economy tour is underway, and towards the end, during a discussion of health care, he drops a surprise aside that wasn't in the speech's prepared remarks: "By the way, I'm going to be partnering with Elizabeth Edwards, we're going to be figuring all this out." source [Anybody know where I got this? It just was sitting there open on my computer ... I'd like to give a 'hat tip' .... Maybe Obama has been poking around in my basement again....] This is interesting at so many levels. For one thing, this means that Obama will not be…
Hans Reiser developed a file system a while back, for LInux computers (but in theory useful for other systems as well) which is probably the best file system out there. File systems vary in how good they are at handling very large vs. many small files, with something of a trade off between the two. File systems can be super duper fast or very very secure, but there is a trade off between the two. And so on. The Reiser File System addresses these trade offs better than other systems, at least, so many think. This is an open source file systems. There is one small problem: Hans Reiser…
Great idea, but don't do what these guys did. Five SCUBA divers from Euope went diving in the vicinity of Indonesia in waters known to be very treacherous. They quickly became separated from their boat, and floated in shark infested waters for two days. Then, they found an island, and crawled onto the island to be safe. Big mistake.... The island was infested with giant Komodo Dragons who tried, it seems, to eat them. And why not? These humans are well within the normal size range for Komodo Dragons, and were probably pretty easy to catch, being tired and all. The stranded divers kept…
Minnesota Atheists' "Atheists Talk" radio show Sunday, June 8, 2008, 9-10 a.m. Central Time The first half hour will feature an interview with James Kakalios, author of "The Physics of Superheroes." The second half hour will feature August Berkshire discussing his essay "The Problem of Evil: The Top 12 Excuses Religious People Give for the Horrible Behavior of their God." "Atheists Talk" airs live on AM 950 KTNF in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. To stream live, go here. Podcasts of past shows are available at Minnesota Atheists or through iTunes. For all other podcast systems, such as…
The Minnesota Democratic Farm Labor Party has officially endorsed Al Franken as Candidate for Senate. The endorsement was made on the first ballot.
A half mile wide tornado with a virtually south to north trajectory from near Park Rapids towards Bemidji, in Hubbard County, destroyed several homes and did a lot of property damage. The worst damage was near Highway 34 and County Road 4, in or near Emmaville and Lake George. Several other tornadoes have been reported around the state. Conditions are ripe for further serious storms and possibly tornadoes almost anywhere round these parts, though I'm not sure what the NWS is giving us in the way of watch boxes. In Minnesota terms, this is spittin' distance from the cabin, sort of. (…
It is being widely censored. The uncensored version is below the fold. This is the most disturbing thing I've posted in a while. At least 12 hours or so. The censored version leaves off the part about the President of the United States, George Bush. At the very very end. Thank you and hat tip from The Skeptical Alchemist. Who also has this interesting post.
Oh. No. Right. Bob Bar. Not Barbar. Whatever. Did this guy know this was a comedy show before he went on? [Hat tip: knee-jerk reactionary libertarian homeschooler "Bore me to tears"]
This is not a joke. Don't watch this if you have a weak stomach. But if you live in Hartford and can help the police find the perpetrator please do call them. Hartford police ask anyone with information regarding this incident and/or the identity of the suspects to please contact Crime Scene Division (CSD) Detective Michael Chauvin at 860-757-4229 or CSD Commander Sergeant Jason Thody at 860-757-4225.
According to news breaking moments ago, Obama and Clinton are meeting at this very moment in a home in the Washington D.C. area. There are no details available. But I thought you'd like to know. UPDATE: It is now thought that the "home in DC" was Hillary's place. It is believed that Hillary has snuck out the back of the house and she and Barack are going to meet somewhere quite. And no, I am not making this up. UPDATE (8:50PM CST): It appears that Obama was in the DC area today with the press group that is assigned to him. Then they went to get on the plane and fly away. Well, they…
Minnesota's Sixth District is represented in congress by a lunatic right winger known as Michele Bachmann. She will be opposed in the next election by DFL Endorsed El Tinklenberg. Tinklenberg is having a rally tonight in Saint Cloud. Hat Tip PZ
According to the Centers for Disease Control, some 3,600 people drowned in 2005, the most recent year for which there are statistics. Some 10 to 15 percent of those deaths was classified as "dry drowning," which can occur up to 24 hours after a small amount of water gets into the lungs. In children, that can happen during a bath. (See comments for discussion of "dry drowning" vs. "secondary drowning." And this is what happened just now to 10 year old Johnny Jackson of South Carolina. He was swimming for the first time. In retrospect, he did exhibit some worrying symptoms or behavior, but…
According to press reports such as this one, and for all I know a zillion others (I've been totally out of touch at a graduation party over on Eat Street), Clinton will announce her move on Saturday. She had a conference call with party mucky mucks today, apparently. The announcement will come in connection with an end-of-primary event. The Obama campaign is pretty much staying out of the way. Mr Obama had paid tribute to Mrs Clinton and hinted that she would play a role in any future Obama administration. Mrs Clinton has said she would be "open" to the idea of being Mr Obama's vice-…
I remember being shaken awake by my father. He did not want me to miss an historic event. During the election campaigns, the television is always on in my house, this has been true since I was a kid and we first got a TV. So the TV was on and he knew Robert Kennedy had been shot, and he woke me up to make sure I knew what was going on. The next day, the same thing happened, this time with the news that Kennedy was dead. Robert Kennedy had entered the Democratic Primary party late, after the sitting president, Kennedy's brother's Vice President, Lyndon Johnson, removed himself from the…
The DNC does not always have a keynote speaker. Sometimes there is a speaker that can be thought of later as such, but was not necessarily labeled "keynote" at the time. So this list can certainly be argued with. Obama was the DNC keynote during the last Presidential nominating convention. It is often presumed that the keynote speaker will be a key player in future elections. However, that is definitely not always the case. Sometimes the keynote is finishing old business (in which case their name is usually "Kennedy" and other times reorienting the party towards its traditional…
Pretty good overview: I was under the impression that many of them monsters Godzilla fought were not from outer space, but rather, from eggs shaken loose by earthquakes and mutated by nuclear irradiation and stuff. Am I wrong about this?
Paul Wellstone "There is an aspiration that binds us. It is the dream of justice for a beloved community. It is the belief that extremes and excesses of inequality must be reduced so that each person is free to develop his or her full potential."
Obama is the projected winner of this last primary, though no margin is estimated at this time. Obama to speak from Saint Paul. There is good information out there that Clinton and Obama are working out a meeting as soon as possible. There is also excellent information out there indicating that Clinton is interested in being vice president. These two things are probably related.