Mourning dove, Zenaida macroura, gathering nesting materials.
Photo by Pam Shack.
For those of you who would like to look at a pair of nesting mourning doves on a reader's blog, take a peek at Pam Shack's wonderful photo essay.
Update: Pam tells me she has an update coming soon and will share the link here.
tags: birds, photoessay
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Mourning dove, Zenaida macroura, sitting in a tree.
Photo by Pam Shack.
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I am so jealous! My doves have obviously been someones target (hunters) they are scared to death of me, but find the dogs not at all bothersome. I cannot even get close enough to them to take a decent picture.
We had 14 in December and even after loosing 4 to hawks, that I have witnessed, we still have 8 coming to the feeders. Great pictures of the doves nest!
Pam's photo essays are always beautiful. Thanks for linking to this wonderful post.