The Road to Unemployment is Paved with Education

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I am so very sorry. Sometimes it hurts so much to see that someone that deserves so much doesn't get as much as she should out of life, that one is rendered speechless and doesn't quite know what to say to offer comfort or encouragement.

Ah - George Gissing wrote about a similar situation in Odd Women. It described the phenomenon that was exercising minds and political philosophy in the late C19th. So-called superfluous women - not enough men to marry them - not enough demand for them in the job market - a job market that placed such little value on them that women were forced to consider positions that didn't even pay them a salay and would give them no way of providing for sickness or old age.

Of course, in Odd Women, the desperate women had no way of obtaining qualifications that would make them more attractive to employers. Now, women get the qualifications and the zeitgeist is that they lack the charisma/networking skills/emotional intelligence/specific qualification/more general qualification/dedication/ambition which is what they really need to get that job. Of course, as per Freakoutonomics, it's extraordinary how many people find themselves in that 'superfluous' category in the present economy. In this economy, there are people who will move from 'super' category to another - from 'superfluous' to 'superannuated'.

Best regards - Shinga

Only three years? Well, perhaps you are still young enough to think that's a long time to be searching for work in your field. It doesn't help that the longer we "go without," the more convinced people may become that this lack of success is due to a character or other defect, somewhat like a house that remains on the market for months without being sold.

why, yes, as a matter of fact, i do have a character defect, and that is why i remain unemployable. how did you guess? because i am contaminated with the sickening stench of desperation and despair, it certainly looks as though i will not be employed any time in the next year, either. by that time, who knows what will happen?