Give That Man A GrrlScientist

The advertizing slogan generator is responsible for the title for this entry -- not me! What is your slogan?

Thanks for this latest bit of weirdness to my SiBling, Coturnix.

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"Bread Wi' Bob O'H Taken Out."

Well, it's better than nowt.

For those of you who don't know, the site has taken a lot of slogans from British adverts, and replaced the name of the product (or another noun).

The fun for me is trying to remember what the original was. This one I've no idea:

"Silly Rabbit, Living The Scientific Life is for Kids."


trix breakfast cereal .. you know, the sugar-coated neon-colored fruit-flavored balls.

a description like that just makes you want to eat them, no?

(can you see why i am not a marketing or advertising consultant?)

trix breakfast cereal .. you know, the sugar-coated neon-colored fruit-flavored balls.
a description like that just makes you want to eat them, no?

When I was a small child, several of the other children in the neighborhood ate trix on a regular basis. My mother always told my siblings and I not to eat it. "It's not real food." she'd say, "you can tell by the colors. Real food isn't colored like that."

IIRC, Trix are just rice poofs with color and sugar. Kix are the same poofs with not much sugar or color, but still pretty tasty. I've heard there used to be a third cereal in the group, (Quix?) but I've no idea what it was like.

By David Harmon (not verified) on 02 Jul 2006 #permalink