What Color Should Your Eyes Be?

My eyes are grey naturally ..

Your Eyes Should Be Green

Your eyes reflect: Striking attractiveness and danger

What's hidden behind your eyes: A vivid inner world

Okay, since you know all of my secrets, dear readers, tell mo some of yours; what color are your eyes and what color does this test say they should be?

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***Your Eyes Should Be Brown***

Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom

What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart

As it happens my eyes are brown. I think this means they are emotionally well-adjusted.


Violet! Now, that would be weird. And quite a change from my usual brown. "Your eyes reflect: Mystery and allure. What's hidden behind your eyes: A quiet passion."

Now, come to think about it, the date for buying my next box of contact lenses is approaching...

By Irrelephant (not verified) on 27 Aug 2006 #permalink

My eyes should be green, and, depending on who you ask, they're either green or blue.

The quiz says:
Hazel - "Your eyes reflect: Intellect and sensuality, What's hidden behind your eyes: Subtle manipulation"

People fight over what color my eyes are - I've been told I have blue, green or grey eyes and even combinations of the same!

I am compiling a blogroll of atheists and agnostics. Do you consider yourself to be in either of these categories? And if so, would you like to be added to the blogroll?

Ridger: Nope, my eyes are too blue for hazel.

I think the definition of hazel is different in the US compared to in Britain. In England it is used to describe light brown-green eyes.

Hazel (and they in fact are). So that validates the analysis as far as I am concerned, since it's all about me. Nevertheless,I thought Hedwig's eyes were yellow from the blinking representation on the old blogsite.

By biosparite (not verified) on 28 Aug 2006 #permalink

***Your Eyes Should Be Ultraviolet***

OK, so I just made that up. It says they should be hazel, but they are blue/grey.

This quiz seems a bit off the shallow end.

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 28 Aug 2006 #permalink

These quizzes always sound so much more interesting than my real life. Violet, mystery and allure, when I'm really a plain, brown-eyed open book.

By Buffalo Gal (not verified) on 03 Sep 2006 #permalink

Real Life: Blue

Quiz: Blue

However, in real life my eyes are sky blue. According to the quiz they should be lake blue.

Of course, certain other tests keep telling me I'm an elven neutral/good ranger/paladin. So I tend not to put much faith in such things. :D