Schoolhouse Rock: Great American Melting Pot

Lovely Lady Liberty
With her book of recipes
And the finest one she's got
Is the great American melting pot
The great Anerican melting pot.
What good ingredients,
Liberty and immigrants.

They brought the country's customs,
Their language and their ways.
They filled the factories, tilled the soil,
Helped build the U.S.A.
Go on and ask your grandma,
Hear what she has to tell
How great to be an American
And something else as well.

Have Americans forgotten our beginnings?


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I'd say not our beginnings, since America was never as inclusive as we like to think.

But I'd say we have forgotten our ideals.

In fact, as of late, I've come to feel America has lost a belief in the future. We have cynical ideas of cyberpunk dystopias, religious hopes for worldwide Armageddon, dreams of empire - but nothing of a positive future worth having.

By DragonScholar (not verified) on 07 Sep 2006 #permalink

The anti-immigration thing is overblown. The squawking you hear from the typically nativistic right-wing punditocracy is not representative of the broader population, as polls consistently show that most Americans support some kind of naturalization for the current "illegals".

America has always had it's bouts with xenophobic hysteria, and they were much worse in the past (the KKK was considered a heroic organization not too long ago). It's really nothing new to see the Pat Buchanans and Lou Dobbs of today going on nativist tirades that accuse immigrants of taking our jobs, not assimilating, etc. It's been done with just about every wave of immigrants that have come here.

By Black Cap (not verified) on 07 Sep 2006 #permalink

DragonScholar says it well. Now I must go hire some illegals to help me dig ditches for the gutter drains around my house.