Coffee Cafe

Another quiz for you to enjoy while you are supposed to be working (and I am supposed to be convalescing) .. and gee, how did they know that I'd chew coffee beans if I was in a crunch?

Mocha Frappuccino

Hyper and driven, you'll take your caffeine any way you can get it. Frappuccinos are good, but you'd probably chew coffee beans in a crunch!

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Glad you are posting again. I think I'll celebrate with a mocha.

Hmmmm. The poll sux. You did not provide a "none of the above" to any of the questions.

== I prefer my coffee beverage with NO syrup. My point.
== I prefer my coffee in the comfort of my own home. Ditto.
== I do not patronize coffee houses. Question moot.
== My mood does not change when I OD on caffeine. My point.
== I have no desire to visit a coffee producing nation. My point.

But, nice try. Are you sure you are a scientist?

I show as caffe vanilla frappucino. We brew shade-grown, free-trade coffee at my office, by the way. I have never chewed on a coffee bean and was not even aware of such practices till Grrl Scientist informed me of what I was missing. Is this akin to chewing tobacco? Glad to see you back, G/S. Lab Cat, start by mixing milk and sugar; then add a skosh of coffee to impart mild flavor. Pretty soon you will like coffee, too. Admittedly I cannot tolerate unadultereated coffee alkaloids, so with me it all depends on the added ingredients. Glo, are you a computer trying to pass the Turing Test? You flunk.

By biosparite (not verified) on 25 Sep 2006 #permalink