Florida: The Pedophile State?

According to the latest election poll returns, the pedophile Mark Foley is in the lead to retain his house seat. In view of all the recent shenanigans, including child rape, this is one election race that shouldn't even be close!

C'mon, what the hell is wrong with you people!? How can you expect any decent pedophile-fearing American to bring their kids to visit DisneyWorld? Shame on you, Florida voters, if Foley wins!

Cited polls.



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Easy now...

The page was 16 years old at the time, which is the age of consent in florida. While most people would find that wrong, and also that it violates certain professional ethical standards, it is not illegal. Furthermore, he is not a pedophile by any qualified definition.

Umm, Mark, soliciting sex with a minor online is a violation of Federal law that Foley himself helped to write.

Try doing at least a tiny bit of investiGoogling before spewing your blast-faxed Rethug talking points; it might just help to have a clue.

Also, the distinction between "pedophile" and "ephebophile" is a mighty thin basis for implying that the @#$%wad isn't covered in a layer of slime, irrespective of what your mail-order course in Rethug apologetics might have told you.

By Ktesibios (not verified) on 07 Nov 2006 #permalink

Of course, since Foley is in rehab, Joe Negron is running for his seat. Foley's name is on the ballot, but votes for him are beieng transferred to Negron. CNN for some reason hasn't edited its results to reflect this.


From the LA times

The state and federal laws that make it a crime to use the Internet to entice or solicit sex from minors, which might ensnare Foley, have been interpreted narrowly.
Some courts have held that words are not enough to constitute criminal conduct, according to Peter Swire, an Internet law expert at Ohio State University's law school. "One question is whether mere conversation is enough to meet the federal statute," Swire said, adding that some courts could find that speech is protected under the First Amendment.

It's possible he could face charges, but it would be a a bit of a stretch, as the law covers sexual solicitation, not just sexually explicit communication. Perhaps you can do some googling yourself and show me where he did exactly that.

Also, the distinction between "pedophile" and "ephebophile" is a mighty thin basis for implying that the @#$%wad isn't covered in a layer of slime, irrespective of what your mail-order course in Rethug apologetics might have told you.

I implied no such thing.

Grrlscientist was rightfully dismayed at Foley's win, however, her post contained factual inaccuracies which I pointed out. Notice how I did so without hurling insults or accusing her of spewing talking points.

I mean his lead, not win.