More Rethuglican Cesspool Ethics

How can people not be ashamed to be associated with a political party that stoops to importing homeless people to distribute erroneous flyers about the political candidates?? Do we really want people like this running our government, making decisions that affect our lives and -- especially -- sending our troops into war?

The Maryland GOP has sunk to another new low. They bussed in homeless people from out-of-state to distribute fake, misleading sample ballots in Prince Georges County. The Governor's wife was right in the thick of this latest GOP scam:

Inaccurate sample ballots describing Republican Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. and Senate candidate Michael S. Steele as Democrats were handed out to voters in at least four polling sites in Prince George's County this morning.

The ballots were handed out by people who said they arrived by buses this morning from Pennsylvania and Delaware.

Erik Markle, one of the people handing out literature for Ehrlich, who is seeking reelection, and Steele, the current lieutenant governor who is campaigning to replace retiring Sen. Paul Sarbanes (D), said he was recruited at a homeless shelter in Philadelphia.

After a two-hour bus ride to Maryland, Markle said the workers were greeted early this morning by first lady Kendel Ehrlich, who thanked them as they were outfitted in T-shirts and hats with the logo for Ehrlich's reelection campaign. Nearly all of those recruited, Markle said, are poor and black. Workers traveled to Maryland in at least seven large buses.

Cited story.



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