The Writing is on the Wall: 'War President' Loses Iraq

Every morning, when I wake up, I give thanks to the great spaghetti monster that I am not waking up as George Bush. After all, I might be a failure, but that's to be expected when you consider all the odds I've faced. However, George Bush has always had everything handed to him on a silver platter and has a flock of apologists who rewrite history so he is presented in a good light, such that you'd think that he would rarely fail at things, but the fact is that failure is the only thing that he's managed to accomplish. Georgie's most recent and most dismal failure? Iraq: the American-triggered civil war is set to worsen soon, according to many sources.

The civil war in Iraq is likely to deteriorate significantly over the next few months regardless of which combination of options the Bush administration chooses to exercise, according to a report released by a leading Washington think-tank on Wednesday. [Financial Times story]

and yet another story;

In spite of Mr Baker's extensive Middle Eastern experience, advisers to the group, which has included virtually anyone in Washington with some background in the region, worry that its publication will come too late, given the speed of deterioration on the ground in Iraq. "There is no silver bullet for Iraq," one adviser to the group said. "It is too late for that."

They also doubt whether President George W. Bush would be willing to follow advice that contradicts his deeply held belief that the US should not talk to rogue regimes, such as Iran and Syria, because to do so would be to reward bad behaviour.

[Financial Times story].



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Tony Blair's sentiments seem to align with George Jr.:

"A major part of the answer to Iraq lies not in Iraq itself but outside it, in the whole of the region where the same forces are at work, where the roots of terrorism are to be found, where the extremism flourishes."

"There is a fundamental misunderstanding that this is about changing policy on Syria and Iran."

It amazes me that anyone would blame the president for the actions of these fanatical nihilists. Is global warming his fault too?

And if you want to know more about Baker's "extensive Middle East experience", see how he handled the first gulf war.

Speaking of writing on the wall, religious zealots in Dixie County, Florida placed a huge stone monument on the county courthouse steps. Check the spelling in commandment #7:
It's a monument to illiteracy.

We aren't blaming Bush for the actions of "these fanatical nihilists."

We are blaming bush for the piss-poor justification, strategy, tactics, planning, oversight, and execution, that has allowed "these fanatical nihilists' to gain the initiative and be well on their way to kicking our asses and the Iraqi people's asses in Iraq.

Believe it or not Lee, I don't have a window into your brain. My post was in response to the blog entry, which is clearly blaming Bush for Iraq's slip into civil war.

I happen to agree with you that the strategy and execution in Iraq has been poor, but that really has nothing to do with my original post since I was not addressing your views, but GrrlScientists'.

It amazes me that anyone would blame the president for the actions of these fanatical nihilists.

Me too. It's obvious that terrorists made Bush silence or remove every state department official who advised the war was unnecessary. It's clear the terrorists made him silence or remove every DOD official that told him the occupation would take many years, many hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and hundreds of billions of dollars. I'm sure the terrorists are also responsible for the decision to distribute money in cellophane wrapped bricks of $20s and $100s on pallets. The terrorists also made Bush ignore the reports of Hans Blix and Charles Duelfer as well.

Furthermore, given that Bush has wasted tax payer dollars like a nihilist, squandered America's international reputation like a nihilist, assaulted America's science and education systems like a nihilist, he must be under the complete mental domination of the nihilist terrorists, and therefor not responsible for any of his actions.

... which is clearly blaming Bush for Iraq's slip into civil war.

Those of us who paid attention to what (rather than who) Clinton was doing, know that for some time Clinton supported groups that were attempting overthrow Saddam Hussein. Said support was terminated when a DOD analysis concluded that the overthrow of Saddam would likely result in a bloody civil war. DOD advisers later gave Bush largely the same advice, but, as I said, they were silenced or removed.

Bush was reliably informed that his plans would result in an Iraqi civil war. He chose to carry them out anyway. Either George W Bush is responsible, or the terrorists mind-controlled him into invading.