It's Amazing What One Blow Job Can Do For Your Popularity

Do you remember Bill Clinton? It appears that the Vietnamese in Hanoi certainly remember him fondly because they swarmed all over him to get an autograph, photograph or a handshake. These are the same people who could barely be bothered to crawl out of bed in the morning when the current president visitied Hanoi last month.

Clinton, in town to sign an agreement between his foundation and the Vietnamese to get more AIDS drugs to children, left the Hilton Hotel in the center of Hanoi, crossed an intersection buzzing with motorbikes, and strolled toward Hoan Kiem Lake, the spiritual heart of the city.

Just joking about the blow job. Clinton's popularity is actually due to the fact that he normalized relations between the USA and Vietnam that helped boost which helped to increase his popularity in that country. Clinton was the first US president to visit Vietnam since the war ended in 1975.

Cited story.


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Hey, as a sex-loving guy, I can personally attest that blow jobs are fantastic! If a woman willingly gives me a blow job, she goes way up in my popularity book.

As far as Clinton goes, boy I do long for those days of the Clinton administration. He may have not been able to keep is pants zipped but, he was damned effective as a president and world leader - something that has been disastrously untrue of the current idiot in the Oval Office.

Well, it probably helps that he "strolled" somewhere. W got his "connection" by riding in a motorcade and waving.

As the NYT put it:

On Saturday, Mr. Bush's national security adviser, Stephen J. Hadley, conceded that the president had not come into direct contact with ordinary Vietnamese, but said that they connected anyway.

"If you'd been part of the president's motorcade as we've shuttled back and forth," he said, reporters would have seen that "the president has been doing a lot of waving and getting a lot of waving and smiles."