Upcoming SICB Meeting

I have been invited to be a panelist at the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) meeting, which is one of the largest biology meetings in North America. It is being held from 3-7 January 2007 in Phoenix, Arizona. This panel will discuss blogs: how to set them up, how to decide what to write about, how to use them for education, public outreach and research purposes. The panel consists of PZ, John and myself -- even though I have been outed several times in the past, this means that my anonymity is officially over at this point, so I guess I'll be unemployed for the rest of my life as a result. But at least I'll have fun for a few days, first.



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Congratulations! And Happy Holidays!

Outed? But we've known for some time that you're Donald Rumsfeld.

You're right about being unemployed for the rest of your life, though.


Um, just realised my comment could be mis-interpreted. It's assuming the second sentence is true throughout. In reality, I'm sure it'll do precisely the opposite. Unless Grrlscientist really is Rummy.

Bob (who may or may not be Dan Quayle)

Yeah! You Rock! This will be great fun and open new doors for you, too. Plan on having a wonderful time and sharing all about it with us.

should you find the free time, head straight outta Phoenix and into the surrounding area, which far less ugly and sprawling.

So glad to see you returning to "normal" life.
Merry Christmas!

By aziza gabrielle (not verified) on 23 Dec 2006 #permalink

Congratulations! As far as being "unemployed the rest of your life", consider that you got called in for this based on what you've done online here and elsewhere. Including the "nuthouse" posts, which go beyond the science, to show the metal you as a person are made of.

By David Harmon (not verified) on 24 Dec 2006 #permalink