2007 Foreign Policymobile

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Image: Wookey Hole. There are moments in a person's life where they sit back and ask themselves; was [fill in the blank] worth it? Was it really worth it? I ask myself this question often, especially when it comes to job hunting. There's nothing like a bout of unemployment punctuated with brief…
Image: courtesy of Bob O'Hara, author of Deep Thoughts and Silliness. Vote for me here.

The biggest problem with the concept behind this cartoon is that U.S. foreign policy is not depicted as a flaming wreck.

The second problem is that the cartoonist for cnsnews.com probably thinks he (or she) is warning us about the horrors of Democratic interference with Bush's foreign policy. I say, please add in a passenger-side brake pedal like they have in driver-training cars and I'll feel even better! The more the Democrats interfere with Bush's policies for the last two years of his term, the better off everyone will be.