Ah, The Joys of Returning Home

So I have been back in my apartment for approximately 48 hours and already I have experienced the joys of having a nonfunctioning shower/bathtub because the hot water faucet cannot be manipulated into the "on" position even using a pair of pliars, and today, I found a leak in my ceiling that eventually took out a three foot in diameter section of paster that landed on my already soaked journals, destroying them.

The building super, who has got to the the worst building super on the planet because he doesn't fix anything except when under extreme duress -- and even then, he only does a half-assed job -- came by to look at the ceiling this afternoon (before the plaster fell all over my floor) and told me that water was causing that damage. I wanted to scream at him that I know this, that I'm not a f*cking moron, but instead, I decided remain calm since my Spanish is nearly as bad as his English. Anyway, the super claims he will return tomorrow (although he is not very good about returning to fix things), supposedly to fix the ceiling. I told him that the source of the leak has to be found and remedied first, but this went completely over his head, possibly due to the language barrier.

Anyway, if I wish to take a shower, I can do so in my living room now.

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I always do my own repairs. find the main tap to turn off the flat's water supply, and replace the faucet in total (although it may be that you just have a worn washer, leaving the metal frozen together).

As to the ceiling - isn't there a public liability issue? Could you threaten to take action to replace your damaged journals? If they cost several hundreds of dollars, with more to pay as further damage happens, I bet they'll fix it damned quick.

my main problem is that i lack the tools to fix it myself, and i lack the money to purchase the tools to fix things myself, although i did tend to make my own repairs when i was employed.

as for the ceiling issue, i am supposed to have renter's insurance, which i also cannot afford, to cover damages, such as water damage, from the apartment itself.

I had a similar experience when I lived in NYC. Winter was starting and the super was not turning on the heat. When you told him that there was a problem with the heat he would come in and said he could fix it. But he would only "fix" (meaning just turn it on) if you tipped him in cash when he came by.

He stopped this when the tenants threatened a rent strike and contacted the owners of the building.

Take pictures - LOTS of pictures, even as the project is repaired and keep a diary of repairs and time spent to repair(or rather your inconvenience).Small claims courts, unless over a certain amount, is an option.Legal aid is advisable and you should qualify.File complaints with the board of health...but it will probably get little attention in your big city. Gather water, to get by while water is off for you & pets & toilet. :o) just another survival test........

By Diane in Ohio (not verified) on 10 Jan 2007 #permalink

Ouch, it really sucks to deal with this sort of hostile neglect from the landlord to begin with, and especially to lose your personal journals. I'll second Diane's comments about document, document, document -- I'll aslo point out that with Spitzer in Albany, you'll probably face a friendlier climate in both the housing agencies and the courts.

By David Harmon (not verified) on 12 Jan 2007 #permalink

I would gladly translate anything you want to say to him to Spanish. I hate HATE irresponsible landlords.

um... I have been sick, so I haven't been reading much (except Page Six) and now I thank you for a good cry. If that makes any sense. How such a brilliant blogger....

so sorry. i could have cared for your birds. I could have done.... so much. maybe. i dunno.

I have Medicaid. (They will try to deny you. You need to find s.o. to fight for your rights.) Frankly, i wonder what the fuck I fought for. I mean, the medicaid clinics in this town suck. But I'm fully covered.

Medicare takes a year to "kick in." Meaning, you have to be receiving Social Security Disability payments for a year before the Medicare (and the prescription drug bennies start.)

I got SSD somewhat more easily since I got a clear concise letter from a doctor and a great mother to fill out the forms for me! And the feds are not as nasty as the NYS Medicaid workers. ...so here's a linkie to get you started on getting some funds from social security. http://www.myida.org/disbenefits.htm

NYS Medicaid is a'nutter hurdle.... but they must pay for your hospitalisation and your current drugs therapies. I am not surprised that no one applied for you. They seem to have an aversion to educated people.

Get some income from Social Security. You are ENTITLED to it.

Get medicaid to pay for your meds and docs. If there's anything you need, just ask. please? i would be thrilled to be helpful to someone I admire.

ok. I will hit "post" - but if you want to contact me directly, i would be honored.