Noted Rethuglican Presidents

Orphaned image. Contact me for proper credit.

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Can you see the lizard? Orphaned Image. Please contact me to receive proper credit. As long as you send images to me (and I hope it will be for forever), I shall continue to share them with my readership. My purpose for posting these images is to remind all of us of the grandeur of the natural…
Can you see the flounder? Orphaned Image. Please contact me to receive proper credit. As long as you send images to me (and I hope it will be for forever), I shall continue to share them with my readership. My purpose for posting these images is to remind all of us of the grandeur of the natural…
Not exactly a nature image, but someone out there (you know who you are) is trying to cause me to laugh, a rare feat in today's world. Yes, you succeeded. Orphaned image. Please contact me for proper credit and linkage.
A flock of birds in the snow in Brooklyn NYC. Okay, this might be easy for most of you, but I like asking you anyway; can any of you guess the species of birds in this picture? Sent to me by a reader -- Orphaned image. Please contact me for proper credit and linkage.

I can tell Republicans are outside of your monkeysphere.

( they're outside of mine too. )

Just goes to show that evolution doesn't always mean positive change.