
Female jumping spider, unknown species. Can any of you readers ID the species?

"A female guarding her egg case. She was so very cute," the photographer says. "I could tell she was a little fearful, but wasn't about to abandon her egg case." Unfortunately, the photographer didn't get an ID for her as she didn't get such a good look at the spider because the spider wanted to keep her eyes on the photographer!

Image: Bev Wigney.

As long as you send images to me (and I hope it will be for forever), I shall continue to share them with my readership. My purpose for posting these images is to remind all of us of the grandeur of the natural world and that there is a world out there that is populated by millions of unique species. We are a part of this world whether we like it or not: we have a choice to either preserve these species or to destroy them in search of short-term monetary gains. But if we decide to destroy these other life forms, the least we can do is to know what we are destroying by learning that they exist. If you have a high-resolution digitized nature image (I prefer JPG format) that you'd like to share with your fellow readers, feel free to email it to me, along with information about the image and how you'd like it to be credited.


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By TheBrummell (not verified) on 08 Feb 2007 #permalink