They're Better People than their Driving would Indicate

Did you hear the one about the NYC cabbie who returned a suitcase full of diamond rings to a Texas woman who only gave him a 30-cent tip on a $10.70 fare?

No, I am serious. It really happened here in NYC. Then, after the cabbie went to some time and expense to return the loot, she gave him a check for $100, snort. Some people just don't get it do they??

Cited story.


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What a cad.

Oh, I don't know. He got paid by knowing he's better than she is. And she gets to think about him and what he did.

I know, it doesn't balance. But still, who feels better about himself at the end of the day (deliberate use of pronoun here)?

Probably the woman, Ridger. She's the one who saved a bunch of money thanks to that idiot cab driver who brought back her jewelry! See, jerks don't think like nice people do. They think like jerks. She's happy as a clam.