Blog Carnival Available

The Tangled BankThe Valentine's Day/Darwin Day edition of Tangled Bank is now available for your reading pleasure. Curiously, they did not link to the dozen or so stories I did send to them, but instead, chose to link to the latest edition of Birds in the News, a link I had not submitted for consideration. Hrm.


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tags: blog carnival, biology, nature, medicine, science Hey, good news, science geeks! The 82nd edition of the Tangled Bank blog carnival is now available for your reading pleasure. It is packed full of science-y goodness to satisfy even the most eclectic tastes.
The 77th edition of the Tangled Bank is now available for your reading pleasure. This edition included two pieces that I wrote, so be sure to go over there to figure out which stories made the cut! . tags: blog carnival, science, natural history
tags: blog carnival, science, medicine, Tangled Bank For all you science and medicine fans, the 84th edition of Tangled Bank is now available for your reading pleasure. They even included one submission from me! Yippee!! Okay, go there are indulge yourself, cuz it's a good one (as always).
tags: birds, birding, blog carnival The 59th edition of I and the Bird blog carnival is now available for your reading pleasure. Be sure to go there and give them some support by reading the stories they have linked!