Painted Cats

The book this picture came from said some of the paint jobs cost $15,000 and had to be repeated every 3 months as the cat's hair grows out? It must be nice to have $60,000 a year just to keep your cat painted!

I think I found my new job.

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I sure hope the paint is lick-safe for cats.

Since this is done by the authors of Why Cats Paint (a definite spoof, containing things like quotes from one 'Lord Osis'), I presume that Why Paint Cats is also a joke. WCP was a very deadpan joke, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's hard to tell if they're being serious.

They'll be doing hillsides next.


Snopes already covered it. Too bad.

I combed some food coloring into my cat's fur once - the only bits that lasted for any length of time were on the back of her head where she couldn't get at it well. It was a St Patrick's Day thing. I put a green stripe in my bleached blonde hair and one on my cat :-)

I have to admit that when I saw the book in the bookstore, I fell for the spoof. On reflection though -- sure, some cats will put up with people fooling with their fur, but not their whiskers, and some of those pics show cats with "painted" whiskers. Then too, cats have a strictly limited short attention span, and many of those designs are just too complex to manage in less than 20 minutes. Let alone the effects of disarranged fur, especially on a longhair! (I just came home from a week-long trip, and brushed out masses of hair & dust from my kitty that rivaled her in total size!)

By David Harmon (not verified) on 16 Feb 2007 #permalink

I had no clue how beautifull your art is until I opened up a fowarded e-mail today. Someone sent me some of your pictures and I was amazed, cats are naturally beautifull and serene but I must say WOW beautifull work. I love the one with the painted tail that looks like tribal art and the butterfly's awsom! Keep up the Excellent work.
AKA Crystal

By Crystal Storey (not verified) on 24 Feb 2007 #permalink