Women's Workstations Germier than Men's

A research team from the University of Arizona found that the average office desktop harbours 400 times more bacteria than the average office toilet seat. Additionally, they also discovered that, on average, women have three to four times the amount of germs in, on, and around their work area.

The researchers said women's habit of keeping snacks in their drawers could explain why their desks were more germ-ridden.

They also warned that make-up and lotions helped to transfer bacteria.

But they did find that men's wallets are the germiest thing that they looked at.

Cited story.


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Most men I know keep snacks at their desks, and use hand lotion too.
Did the study survey eating at desks and hand lotion use?

Read my lips: Girls Have Cooties

the study was apparently correlative only; but they did find that women are more likely to use hand lotion, keep snacks at their desk and there is one more variable; they also are more likely to have close contact with children, which we all know act a germ factory.

Thank you, GS.