Peanut Butter Disproves Evolution

According to this creationist video, peanut butter, which has been subjected to high temperatures to render it sterile, disproves that life can come from non-life. The silliness of this argument reminds me of Kirk Cameron's 'banana proof' of creationism.


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I'm pretty sure that this represents creationist stupidity hitting rock bottom. There is absolutely no way that creationist arguments can get any more vapid and absurd than that.

It cracks me up that creationists are demanding spontaneous generation be true to "prove" evolution, since I was taught that the experiments disproving spontaneous generation in the 17th century were the beginnings of modern science.

Tsk. Great. i've been worshipping Peanut Butter for years, believing it to be central to how Life really began on this planet, and that we are all in fact true 'Descendants of The Mighty Peanut'.

How silly do i feel now!

In my ruminations on how science should respond to the creationist peanut butter video, I am reminded of the words of Aldous Huxley: "Never try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and annoys the pig."

Although, in this particular instance, Huxley's words might be more accuratedly revised to state: Never try to teach a pig to sing, it annoys you and wastes the pig's time.

WTF? That argument maks NO SENSE. Evolution is false because peanut butter doesn't form new life? "Life from non-life" -- is that even what the theory of evolution states? I don't get why these folks are so threatened when a conservative organization such as the Catholic Church can even admit that you can believe in both God and evolution.

It's just a few minutes shy of April Heck it is April 1st in some time zones. Surely the peanut butter gag is just a spoof. No one could be that stupid.

Thought that also but In my life I've seen worse.

By George McCafferty (not verified) on 31 Mar 2007 #permalink

Everybody make love to someone and help us out. Dont just pass the seed.............hold on and listen!

By George McCafferty (not verified) on 31 Mar 2007 #permalink

nice show!

By George McCafferty (not verified) on 31 Mar 2007 #permalink

... the experiments disproving spontaneous generation in the 17th century were the beginnings of modern science.

Creationists are stuck somewhere in the 2nd or 3rd century. They've another 1500 years or so to go before those experiments...

Show me a piece of an evolutionist video... Evolutionist will look dumb.
Show me a piece of a creationist video... Creationist will look dumb.

Watch the whole thing before you make an opinion.

There is clearly more to that video.

Vegemite, on the other hand, proves there is no God.

By heathcliff (not verified) on 02 Apr 2007 #permalink

Show me a piece of an evolutionist video... Evolutionist will look dumb.
Show me a piece of a creationist video... Creationist will look dumb.

Watch the whole thing before you make an opinion.

There is clearly more to that video.

Posted by: Jay | April 1, 2007 01:48 PM

You make the allegations Jay, you supply the proof.

C'mon. We're waiting.

(But we all know you won't because you're a driveby troll coward.)

"...paid for by the Peanuts Growers of America"