The Great Sea Turtle Race

Just in time for Earth Day, the great leatherback seaturtle race across open ocean from Costa Rica to the Galapagos Islands, where they will lay their eggs. The turtles are being tracked by satellite from Playa Grande in Costa Rica to the Galapagos Islands so you can watch their progress live and root for your favorite. In addition to the turtle race, there are all sorts of fun and educational things to read on this website. For example, you can register to support an individual turtle in this race across the ocean and will receive daily email updates regarding your turtle's progress as it approaches the Galapagos Islands.


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Totally cool for sure, and honchoed by Jim Spotila at Drexel, one of the best in the sea-turtle business. But (sorry) it's not truly "live"--the turtles left Central America at different times, and the Race people have normalized to a common start "date." The truth is, the race is over, and we're getting a delayed report. But it's still cool.