Hillary Does Have A Sense of Humor

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No matter what you haters say, I think that Hillary does have a sense of humor. Not bad, considering that she's the front-runner in that most deadly-serious of American hobbies; running for president of the United States [1:35]

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Well, I don't "hate" Hillary - I just think she is unelectable. And these little satirical stunts just validates my point.

Well; whoever you elect I do hope that it isn't another millionaire with ties to big business or a lawyer with skeletons in their closet :o)

By Chris' Wills (not verified) on 21 Jun 2007 #permalink

why isn't Hillary electable? i absolutely do NOT understand why she has polarized the public in the way she has, when she has not done anything to deserve such strong emotions.

what i can't understand is why Giuliani is running for prez. he has so many skeletons in his closet that his closet has literally exploded. And now Bloomberg -- who apparently resents Giuliani -- might also make a run for prez, after declaring himself an independent (he was registered as a rethuglican, although he is rethuglican in name only; if you look at his values, he is a liberal democrat, which is likely the reason he was elected as mayor of NYC in the first place, which is rumored to be the "bluest of all blue cities").

well, you may hate Tony Blair, but I MUCH prefer him to Bush. I wish some of Blair's intellect would rub off on Bush, who is a completely inarticulate illogical wingnut with nothing of value happening between his ears -- and to think that this idiot has his finger on "the red button". SCARY!

Heh, well in the eyes of the mainstream news media, she's the trifecta of Clinton/Democrat/uppity woman, which is completely unforgiveable.

I'm pretty sure the "unelectable" meme is coming from the right-wing noise machine. It's the Democrats we need to worry about now.

By David Harmon (not verified) on 25 Jun 2007 #permalink