A Message From a Reader

Wow, the entire library system in Manhattan (where I hang out) was blown off the air for two long, agonizing hours. Our internet service was just restored moments ago, thank goodness, because I was ready to have a nervous breakdown.

Okay, just kidding about that. Sorta.

Anyway, I just had to gloat for a minute, especially since things seem to be looking up for me (well, things were improving yesterday, when I received not one, not two, but three positive emails about my writing, of which this was one -- but who knows what today will bring!).

I guess you're the "girlscientist." If not, pass this on to her. I really enjoy everything you write. I've read a lot of "nature writing" and I think you may eventually rank right up there with some of the best. Your love of every aspect of nature is inspiring. I'm mainly a birder with an interest in botany and butterflies, but you make everything interesting.

I'm confident that you'll sometime realize your dream of a professorship at a research university (I speak as a retired professor at a small school).

Vic Carpenter
Co-president, Ogeechee (Savannah) Audubon Society

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You can definitely take inspiration from this message. Of course, when you do begin a professorship you may find that the responsibilities of teaching and grading papers leave less time than you have now for creative research. I think blogs are a great way to store away little ideas and reflections that will one day work their way into more serious research or writing projects. Keep on blogging!

Mmm, you've certainly become a regular stop on my blogroll, too.

By Luna_the_cat (not verified) on 04 Jul 2007 #permalink

My tenure at this blogstop extends back to the days when Hedwig the Owl blinked yellow eyes at the end of each post. Keep kicking tailfeathers and taking names, Grrl Scientist!

By biosparite (not verified) on 04 Jul 2007 #permalink