Reclining Squirrel and Nut

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Eastern Gray squirrel, Sciurus carolinensis.

Students of the history of western civilization will surmise that the "reclining method" harkens back to antiquity. At the height Roman Empire eating while reclining was all the rage though I have no proof that these Central Park creatures are related to those of that period and geographic location. Still one must admit these contemporary squirrels have mastered the technique and execute it with aplomb and a suave sophistication, n'cest pas? (second in a series of three).

Image: Bob Levy, author of Club George. [larger].

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Next time I buy a bag of cashews, I'm going to try this method of eating them.-I just hope the branch will hold me.

What a precious shot Bob Levy made, and GrrlScientist posted it in this page! One in a million of chance to spot such a jewel, and a serendipity is the proper term to be used here indeed both to observe and even to record in a photo shot! Just beautiful!! I don't have time to enjoy all the postings, even those of GrrlScientist's not infrequently, but I'm so glad I did open the post this time. Thanks, folks in Seedmedia, especially BL and GS.

By AriSan in New York (not verified) on 26 Aug 2007 #permalink

A beautiful photo. It shows the animal's grace and some measure of civil behavior too. Puts a lot of humans' dinner-table practices to shame!
Thanks for posting this!