Save Some of that GoodShit For Me

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Orphaned image. [larger image]

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tags: lynx, Lynx canadensis, mammals, Image of the Day I have been digging through my image archives in my gmail account and found some real treasures that my readers sent to me. Unfortunately, I overlooked quite a few images that were sent when I was in the hospital and had poor computer access.…
tags: easter bunny, easter bunny is dead, holidaze, holidays Image: Orphaned [larger view]. On the way to the subway today, I photographed this tragic accident. This must be the reason I didn't get any Easter candy this year! I am bummed!
tags: nature, coast, Image of the Day I have been digging through my image archives in my gmail account and found some real treasures that my readers sent to me. Unfortunately, I overlooked quite a few images that were sent when I was in the hospital and had poor computer access. So let me fix this…
tags: mallard, Anas platyrhynchos, birds, Image of the Day I have been digging through my image archives in my gmail account and found some real treasures that my readers sent to me. Unfortunately, I overlooked quite a few images that were sent when I was in the hospital and had poor computer…

Those bunnies look hungry, hungry.

I don't get it. Any clues? I had biology and zoology but not botany. Or is it something about the rabbits?

Long ago in a galaxy far away [Berserkeley], the local deer put a dent in my meager crop.

By natural cynic (not verified) on 16 Oct 2007 #permalink

I fed some of my leaf to my guinea pigs in 1971. They eagerly munched, then puffed-up and purred for a long time :)

By Last Chance Ranch (not verified) on 16 Oct 2007 #permalink

Boy, I could foresee a bad cycle here: eat, get the munchies, eat more, get the munchies, eat more, get the munchies...they end up high the rest of their life, and incredibly fat! 0_o

On a side note (La!), here's something else you should see, if you didn't run across this before:

By Luna_the_cat (not verified) on 16 Oct 2007 #permalink

I've heard of cats munching people's stash. 6EQUJ5: Look at the leaf pattern, it's iconic enough that you've certainly seen it somewhere....

By David Harmon (not verified) on 17 Oct 2007 #permalink

Yum¡ That image looks like an inspiration to new cooking recipe "rabbit at the herbs" :)

Well, cooking a flying rabbit could be difficult........