Just a Wee Bit O' Braggin'

Hey, look at this. Does it look familiar to you? Well, considering that I think my blog doesn't get enough traffic, I was both pleased and surprised when I noticed that various stories on it occupied four of the five "most emailed" slots on scienceblogs last night. Not bad, eh?

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The kerfuffle over the Bayblab incident has produced no end of discussion here and elsewhere. Hilariously, this included a lengthy discussion of why they see ScienceBlogs as cliquish, conducted entirely in the private back-channel forum that nobody else can read. Irony: it's like gold-y and bronze-…
One year ago today, Uncertain Principles went live on ScienceBlogs. In honor of the anniversary, here's the first year at the new site, in one graph: Well, ok, that's not that informative. In fact, for all you know, that could be an NMR trace from a chem experiment-- the little bump to the right…
Hey, Mike. Rough month, eh? You're doing all right in the polls at the moment, but just getting hammered from all sides in the blogosphere. You're getting blasted for denying evolution, but also for not denying it fiercely enough for Ann Coulter. People are none too happy about your ill-informed…

I guess cloning, cats, twins and snail sex sells.

By Travis McDermott (not verified) on 25 Oct 2007 #permalink

You're a good writer, GrrlScientist! (As if there were any doubt...) And you also come up with catchy titles--that draws people in.

BTW, what's happening with that book proposal you mentioned you were working on, sometime back? Inquiring minds want to know!