AMNH Subway Art #12

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Unknown species (to me) of Bat at rest,
as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C)
at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash).

Image: GrrlScientist 2008 [wallpaper size].

Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.


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It's a bat! Yay me!

The bat is probably some kind of fruit bat. Most other bats have funky ears/noses/lips, but the bat here doesn't seem to have those things.

It's obviously a newyorkus subwayki imaginativus bat.


The funky faces are needed for effective echolocation.

And its an egyptian fruit bat. I am fairly confident. Perhaps the cutest of all the bat species.