AMNH Subway Art #37

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Journey to the center of the earth, view #3,
as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC downtown subway platform (A-B-C)
at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no zoom, no flash).

Image: GrrlScientist 2008. [wallpaper size].

Read more about the AMNH tile artworks and see the AMNH tile artworks photographic archives -- with all the animals identified.

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OK, I think we have a winner.

This is getting ridiculous. I now want to visit New York just so I can go to a subway station.


there are a few more pictures on the way, although the downstairs subway platform is really difficult to photograph. those pieces are my favorites, but they are casts of fossils, and the lighting is so bad that every time i photograph them, they look like dark blobs on a white tile wall .. frustrating, really, because these are such beautiful fossil casts.

there is one more subway station that i especially want to photograph. that one is filled with bird tile pictures. i am not sure which one it is, since i've only been there once or twice, so i've already started bugging random people about telling me which one it is. (i have been told about one subway station that i should try to photograph that is currently not in use, although i need to get special permission to access that one, hrm).

i am hoping the weather improves quickly enough that i can start photographing other things that have caught my fancy (without freezing to death), such as Central Park, and i want to hang around Times Square and Rockefeller Center, of course, taking pictures, and who could forget the amazing Grand Central Station? especially since the ceiling there was thoroughly washed a few years ago for the first time ever, removing more than one century of accumulated grime, smoke and soot?