Kayaking with Great White Sharks

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This is the most amazing wildlife image I've ever seen. If you don't agree with me, then you have to show me what's more amazing than this!

Kayaking with a Great White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias.

Image: Thomas P. Peschak [purchase this image].

The photographer writes; To capture this image I tied myself to the tower of the research boat Lamnidae and leaned into the void, precariously hanging over the ocean while waiting patiently for a white shark to come along. I wanted to [take] a photograph that would tell the story of our research efforts to track white sharks using kayaks. When the first shark of the day came across our sea kayak it dove to the seabed and inspected it from below. I quickly trained my camera on the dark shadow which slowly transformed from diffuse shape into the sleek outline of a large great white. When the shark's dorsal fin broke the surface I thought I had the shot, but hesitated a fraction of a second and was rewarded with marine biologist Trey Snow in the kayak turning around to look behind him. I pressed the shutter and the rest was history. Throughout the day I shot many more images, most showing the kayak following the shark, but all lacked the power of that first image of the great white tracking the kayak.

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The guy is an idiot! l was fishing in a 30 foot fishing boat when a G.W. locked his/her jaws on the stern, shook the boat for several seconds. this happened off Hout bay Capetown in the 1960s. A kayak would stand no chance!

By colin syme (not verified) on 13 Feb 2008 #permalink

...I had the shot, but hesitated a fraction of a second and was rewarded with marine biologist Trey Snow in the kayak turning around to look behind him. I pressed the shutter and the rest was history.

If it had been me in that kayak, he could have pressed the shutter again a second later and caught another historic moment: me breaking the World Kayak Speed Record.

Huh, I always thought this was a fake! Thanks for correcting me - the other photographs in the series are really neat too.

~ Nick

nick, like you, my initial thought was it was fake, until i started poking around on the internet. that's when i learned more about it and knew i had to share it with all of you, because it is just so amazing.

Out in the Farallon Islands, off the coast of N. California, a researcher has conditioned great whites to strike surfboards mounted with video to record the fish rising from below. Apparently the shark thinks it's a seal. I've always though that was a recipe for disaster, if those sharks' ranges intersect with popular surfing spots. Oh well, the footage is very cool.

Re, the photo: If it were me paddling, they'd have to hose out that kayak afterwards.