Elephant Picasso

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This is an absolutely amazing video of an elephant painting a picture of .. an elephant holding a flower! [8:28]

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To me, the most astonishing thing about this (although the actual painting is very cool) is that the website where one can buy these paintings does not hide the fact that the elephants were carefully taught to paint particular pictures. It would be so easy for them to kinda sorta accidentally-on-purpose leave that information in some out-of-the-way folder somewhere on another computer.... but they are up front about it, as (I feel) they should be.

Besides which, the teachers deserve credit! And the art *is* completely being produced by the elephants, every bit as originally as that damned "master of light" mass-production artist you find in the mall.

Creativity comes from experience, not from some mystical inner source. The elephants are creating; it is still amazing when you know some of where it came from.

OMG, it seems to be actually thinking about what it's going to paint in the beginning. Is this real? It's almost too brilliant, it actually made me cry.