An Engineer's Guide to Cats

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In this streaming video, two professional engineers illustrate the proper care and practical benefits of cats. None of the cats, humans, or engineers were mistreated in the making of this film. They were however, slightly annoyed. Song on ending credits is called "Sparky's New Bike" from royalty free music website. [6:57].

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ROFL. This is HYSTERICAL so many funny parts "Tuna is pretty much like cocaine for kitties"..."Floral regurgitation...corporal cuddling...natural static" - ROFL x 1000000. I'm cross posting this on my blog!

The cat yodeling made me LOL :)

me too! and like the engineers in the video, i always have to help my cats with their yodeling .. you'd think they would know how to do it by themselves by now!


awwwwwww, u has kittehs? i did not noes dat! duz teh brrdz & teh kittehs gitz a long okkkkkk? teh brrdz probly pwnz0rz teh kittehs, rite? :-)

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink