A Forensic Pathologist Provides Insight into the Human Bodies Exhibit

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This is an absolutely fascinating tour of the Human Bodies Exhibit by forensic pathologist Cyril Wecht. This video will prove to be especially interesting to students of human anatomy and medical students [9:35]

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This seems to be the same set of bodies "plastinated" by Günter von Hagens that were displayed across Europe. I saw the show here in Munich, and found it fascinating. But there are ethical concerns, I understand: Not all of the bodies are from people who consented to be preserved this way. Wikipedia (for what it's worth) even suggests that the bodies, many from China, could have belonged to prisoners (who's to know.) It's quite difficult to keep track of who's who, and what's what, since the artifacts for these travelling exhibits get shuffled around. I used to work at the Deutsche Hygiene Museum, where they have great man-made models (the glass man/woman etc.) But these plastinated bodies are clearly more impressive, no question. There was a huge debate here. How do visitors over in the States see this issue?
Very nice blog, I'll be visiting from time to time.

I went to see a similar exhibit called "Boddies... The Exhibition". I also thought it was fascinating. The main thing I didn't like about it is that they didn't allow photography. I think that is just extremely lame.

I'm not entirely sure what all the fuss is about. Is the issue here that the prisoners didn't give their consent, or is the real issue that people think that china is actively killing prisoners in order to sell them?

Ah. I don't really get why consent is such an issue... they're dead, and it's not like any of the other options are any better (getting eaten by maggots, your flesh sizzling and boiling from cremation, etc. I highly recommend "Stiff:the curious lives of cadavers" by mary roach.). Why in the world do dead people, who have no feelings or interests have rights? I would certainly understand worries about the chinese govt. killing people to sell their bodies, but I don't understand the consent issues.

Oh well. anyway... I also recommend "Autopsy: Life and Death". Sometimes it's a bit silly, but it's very interesting nonetheless. And while looking up info, I found that there's a similar show called "anatomy for beginners", I'll definitely have to check that one out.

i have never been to a human bodies exhibit because the price is prohibitive. i am not sure if i would go anyway if offered the opportunity because of the controversy regarding how those bodies came to be in the exhibit. i have not investigated this issue deeply, but what i've heard has not inspired my confidence in the chinese who are (reportedly) the source of the bodies in the NYC exhibit. (and i am not talking about consent issues, either).

[Check out this post in particular where GrrlScientist links to a video that tours the human body. Pay particular attention to when they show the human nervous system. It makes the human body look like nothing but potting soil for the brain.]