Here's the latest carnivalia for you to enjoy;
Carnival of the Vanities, 9 October edition. This blog carnival focuses on excellent blog writing on any topic. I love this blog carnival and always find something interesting to read here.
Brain Blogging, the 40th edition. This blog carnival deals with the brain and this issue discusses how to beat the aging process, what really is cognition, fooling the doctors, and many more interesting topics.
Carnival of the Blue, a deep sea blog carnival. This blog carnival represents the other 70% of this wonderful planet that we live on.
Carnival of the Liberals, issue #75. This is filled with news about liberal issues -- and who knows? Maybe "liberal" will be transformed from a dirty word back into a word that represents the fine legacy of intellectual activity and compassion that it always has been.
Linnaeus' Legacy, issue #12. This blog carnival celebrates biodiversity! And despite humanity's ongoing efforts to reduce biodiversdity to one species each of domestic housecat, domestic dog, and mouse, two species of rats, and three or four species of cockroaches, there is still some biodiversity left to celebrate. Whew.
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