Autumn in the Palouse

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Autumn in the Palouse.

[Eastern Washington State, USA]

Image: Joe Fuhrman, 2008 [larger view].

The Palouse is where I grew up.

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tags: Autumn in the Palouse, landscape, nature, photography, Image of the Day Autumn in the Palouse. [Eastern Washington State, USA] Image: Joe Fuhrman, 2008 [larger view].
tags: Wheat in the Palouse, landscape, nature, photography, Image of the Day Winter wheat in the Palouse. Image: Joe Fuhrman, 2008 [larger view]. [The Palouse is a semi-arid "rain shadow" region in Eastern Washington State and portions of the Idaho panhandle, USA]
tags: Arid country in the Palouse, landscape, nature, photography, Image of the Day Arid Country in the Palouse. Image: Joe Fuhrman, 2008 [larger view]. [The Palouse is a semi-arid "rain shadow" region in Eastern Washington State and portions of the Idaho panhandle, USA]
tags: Palouse Washington, landscape, nature, photography, Image of the Day Palouse, Washington State. Image: Joe Fuhrman, 2008 [larger view]. [The Palouse is a semi-arid "rain shadow" region in Eastern Washington State and portions of the Idaho panhandle, USA]

My family has lived in the Palouse since the 1880's. Big family, I have 15 aunts and uncles. Cousins uncountable.

By littleboy (not verified) on 25 Oct 2008 #permalink

That looks like major small grain farming from the photo. Is that the case? Have any other photos of the crops in the area?

That sure is different than NYC! It looks like you've lived at both population extremes.

there is a lot of wheat (especially winter wheat) farming in the Palouse, but there also is a fair amount of cattle ranching. other crops grown in the area include wine grapes, a lot of other fruits, especially those world-famous washington apples, but also pear, peaches, nectarines and cherries as well as raspberries and blackberries.

Certainly a very dramatic landscape. Not sure I'd want to live there for any length of time though - it's a bit bare looking, I need more trees and greenness.

Still, better than some places I have lived - Manchester in particular, my few months there sucked the soul out of me like a Dementor (or maybe I was just going through a bad patch).

That is a gorgeous scene. One of my very favorite areas in the country is just a little ways away in Sandpoint, Idaho. There is something so soothing and calming to me about a landscape like this. It gives me a sense of freedom.

By John Del Rio (not verified) on 26 Oct 2008 #permalink