Sarah Palin Proves She Should Stay at Home and Watch Hockey

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News Type: Opinion -- Sun Nov 2, 2008 11:58 AM CSTpolitics, sarah, palinGloria KeithSarah Palin Suprise Killing American Women Leadership
by Gloria Keith 11/02/2008, 12:39 PM # Rate this topic Delete Favorites Reply Surprise Sarah PalinDecreased Women Leadership November 02, 2008 Sarah Palin Decreased American Women's Positive Growth in Leadership In America

Sarah Palin has many, many
Hard Lessons To Learn On-The-Job Being McCain's attack she-dog.

SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Sarah Palin was punked.
"Judge not that you be not judged..."

Sarah, I can't believe that you were raised in a Pentecostal Church...

I have been watching Sarah from the beginning of her entrance into national politics. Every public action by you has been oppressive to your opponent and internally oppressive to women, everywhere.

McCain wanted to have a woman to get Hillary's Votes w/o changing from Oppressive Leadership in America.

Hillary entered national politics with a plan of actions based on women's heritage changing the American history by taking an honorable stance for American Women in equality Leadership in America, then world-wide.

Hillary and others like her are Strong-minded women setting a positive productive precedence for American women with a higher level of self-actualization.

McCain/Palin runs his campaign on Lies/Deceit/Oppression in its many forms: Racism, sexism, adultism, etc. No positive change, at all, planned to be implemented under McCain/Palin presidency.

Sarah Palin, in ignorance and some stupidity, Sarah Palin has accepted being a partner in this same kind of traditional leadership in America. Yet, this old oppressive leadership can not work to America's Benefit.

Sarah Palin will go down in the American History as to have reduced American Women historical self-actualization by allowing traditional oppressors to exploit you. McCain is limiting American women's role to being self-serving leadership, not Servant related leadership. Servant Related Leadership signifies "the more knowledge, wisdom and understanding of humanity, you acquire by studying to show yourself approved, the more you have to offer to another(your public audience).

When you accept a public office, you make a statement to share what you have with your public audience as a Servant -Leadership type. McCain has degraded that by choosing Sarah Palin--McCain knew about Sarah Palin's ignorance. Palin was in a better position to be trained as an attack she-dog.

Sarah Palin's national actions/decisions made to allow McCain and other Oppressors to abuse you by mere exploitation is damaging to you, your family, your state, and the American Women. Sarah, you moved women several steps back. And, to other women, reading this post, Voting McCain/Palin in office for President/VPresident of the USA will mean more of the same, as in overcoming the greatest barrier to freedom for women as well as freedom for other non-white Americans in America.

And, the most noticeable is you are allowing this exploitation without any known thought of what you have submitted yourself to. You wonder why the media, seemingly, is against you. It's not the media. It's not Obama. It's not anyone but you and your oppressor, John McCain. In the state you are in, Sarah, can only destroy you and others in your environment because you are bringing undue hardship upon you, your family, others like you. If you didn't know what I have just informed you of, then, you know now. And, it's not too late to bow out of this oppression and your opting out, now, will decrease the emotional and internal damages, now and future.
America is on the verge of making a positive change happen that will benefit all Americans. McCain's plan of actions is destined to act on the historical foundation in an oppressive system. And, you are being misused. I read that you have some light, now, of some of the plans being implemented, continually, against women, races, children and other groups by McCainites. But, have you learned enough to stop the implementation of a continuing methodology to keep Americans under the thumb of greedy/selfish government.
Sat. Morn. Oct. 4, 2008.
Now, how many days/weeks/months passed by since the News Media broke the story on Barack Obama and Bill Ayers,(Now an Ed. Professor at an American College) lived and met in the same environment? Do the math.
To Palin: Sarah, It looks as though you have taken the ball from McCain, and running with it. You did not stop to ask: "Why McCain is using you as an Attack She-Dog against another human-being? Bill Ayers is old news and Bill has years to have repented of his "sins". The attack you made against Obama about who he has as a neighbor has been tried before. But, of course, you, Palin, have not reaped havoc from the lies you commit to telling each day and what may be, SPIRITUALLY, in store for you for making a predetermine false judgment against a person you never met , neither has Obama disrespected you as a human-being.
McCain is your dictator . Does this mean that God is no longer your TRUTH/GUIDE in this WIDE WORLD of CONFUSION?
I am also Pentecostal raised. I, too, have special needs (3) children. So you and I have a lot in common. Then , again, I have approximately 40 years producing, developing, raising, and implementing programs for (3) special needs children, directly and thousands of other special needs children and adults.
To Palin: During a past Thursday's Debate, you used the word, HUMANITARIAN. Do you really take the time to understand what this most important word means? Why did you, Sarah accept McCain's Charge for VP nominee? "A tree is known by the fruit it bears..." Sarah, I don't see good fruit yet from your position with McCain... It's not too late to RE-EVALUATE your decision. Your work as Governor worked in your behalf... Didn't it? Or did you not feel you had enough work as Governor? Palin claim you would be an advocate in the White House for "Special Needs Children". Sarah, I haven't seen anything you do in behalf of Special Needs Children. Are you making use of your time as qualitative for your Special Needs Child? Do you have an IEP for him? Do you know what an IEP is? Have you thought of how important it is to have an IEP for your own Special Needs Child? First, your Special Needs Child needs to know that you, Sarah understands what it means to be a parent..."Being a parent implies becoming an advocate, a preacher, a lawyer, an accountant, a teacher, a nurse, and much more. Parents hold their children's guardianship, their proxy, their power of attorney, their custody, and their care. They (parents) are our children's representatives in the adult society and the protectors of their legal and human rights. Parents have the responsibility for their children's care and development 24 hours a day. 365 days a year for as long as they remain dependent". (LaCrosse 1982).
You talk a lot about doing.
Are you ready to do? Or, are you ready to learn? Can you stand steadfast in truth and say "I, Sarah Palin, have joined McCain as the VP Nominee for my children, especially, my special needs child".
Sarah, when you know, then, you will find no need to be McCain's 'attack she-dog' spending most of your time being programmed to speak negativity. I pray that you will soon see your potential calling as a positive motivator.
I have done and have learned, not all things but a lot...ACTION SPEAKS
Palin: Read between the lines. Think twice about who it is you are hurting with your repeating dictated lies. Just a suggestion: Please don't allow McCain to continue using you as his attack she-dog. Sarah, Use your heart. Not your tongue to sprue out negativity about Obama. If you are set to win this race and believe this is truly your charge--Remember--actionspeaks
Palin was spontaneously and irrationally chosen by McCain to go against Barack Obama w/o question. Sarah Palin is a victim of exploitation. McCain's Oppressor tactics have, thus for, backfired on him and those other co-oppressors and oppressor-agents.Yet, with careful thought, Palin could, again, because the leader of the Republican party if she fill-in the gaps of her intellectual development of the issues facing the American people. America sees in Palin what McCain didn't show while facing Obama in the Debate, last Friday, nor does McCain demonstrate in one-to-one interviews:Humanity. Perhaps, McCain has lived so long controlling others that he can't demonstrate self-control, kindness, etc. to others different than himself. McCain is a dictator and will have immediate problems with Palin when Palin resumes her role as leader. Perhaps, Palin will be herself at this debate on Thursday, October 2, 2008.After the debate, will Palin further steer herself away from :1. dealing with her family crisis? 2. After the debate, will Palin make her special Needs' child a priority by learning how and what to do to teach her special needs child to overcome the physical disabilities, and develop the giftedness God has given to be a special contributor to our human society.Perhaps, Palin will better see the biblical instructions:Study to show yourself approved, not being ashame to train her special needs child in the way he/she should go..." in this wide-world. To Palin:The best positive development of a special needs child is while in infant stages.Palin can seek and gain the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of being the President/Vice President, now and when she has acquired enough knowledge, wisdom and understanding of being a VP or Pres.,her special needs child will know as Palin will know her special needs child's purpose in this world.Again, winning the debate tomorrow, Thursday, October 1, 2008, is not the confirmation Palin fears:to be VP. It's simply suggests that McCain's exploitation of Palin worked in McCain's behalf.

Palin: Sarah, It looks as though you have taken the ball from McCain, and running with it. You did not stop to ask: "Why McCain is using you as an Attack She-Dog against another human-being? Bill Ayers is old news. The attack you made against Obama about who he has as friend has been tried before. But, of course, you, Palin, have not reaped what Satan has in store for you for making a false judgment. I am also Pentecostal raised. I, too, have special needs (3) children. So you and I have a lot in common. Then , again, I have approximately 40 years producing, developing, raising, and implementing programs for (3) special needs children, directly and thousands of other special needs children and adults.
Palin: You talk a lot about doing. I have done and have learned a lot...ACTION SPEAKS
Palin: Read between the lines. Think twice about who it is you are hurting with your dictated lies. Stop allowing McCain to continue using you as his attack she-dog. Remember defaming Obama's character means you are slandering other non-political Americans. To do this is "Non-American".

Sarah, Stop Killing American Women Leadership. Make a Real Change, today--Get out while you can. Palin, Stop Taking Women back wards--Stop implementing Hate, Anger, Abusiveness, Oppression must End. With or Without you.


Sorry to have to say this, but that was about the lamest parody of Sarah Palin I've seen since she was announced as McCain's running mate. It wasn't even particularly funny. IMHO, of course.

i'm building up to something here. the momentum is slow, but believe me, there's more on the way. lots more.

I can't prove this, but I think Sarah Palin moonlights as a speechwriter for Mayor West on Family Guy.

By Nattering Nabo… (not verified) on 02 Nov 2008 #permalink

And Obama's biggest qualification is, ....well no one seems to know. He has done nothing to qualify him for the office he seeks.