
I have been ill, so I've not been able to access the internet consistently since I do not have my own connection, so I am somewhat late in notifying you about the latest blog carnivals that are available for you to read.

The Giant's Shoulders, issue 8, has been published. This blog carnival focuses on science that is based on "classic" scientific papers, although entries that describe current discoveries that confirm "classic" predictions (such as my contribution) are also included.

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First, let me note this new carnival that I hope gets a LOT of attention. It is currently hosted at A Blog Around The Clock and is know as The Giant's Shoulders. This is because it assimilates posts on classic papers. This is one of those motivating carnivals. People don't blog enough on classic…
Here's the latest carnivalia for you to read and enjoy; Oekologie is undergoing a revival after a near-extinction event, so please be sure to go there to read it, then link to it from your blog and also be sure to consider sending your own blog entries to this carnival. On Giant's Shoulders, issue…
tags: blog carnivals, Carnival of Cities Now that I have finished putting together the 69th edition of I and the Bird (*whew* that's hard work!), I now am focusing my energies on another blog carnival that I am hosting next week: Carnival of Cities. This is a relatively new (to my readers) blog…