The Atheist Delusion

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Wow, this insightful little video presents indisputable Biblical proof that scientists and atheists are deluded and stupid [3:07]

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This is slam dunk satire. Love it!

By HandyGeek (not verified) on 18 Mar 2009 #permalink

Edward Current, comedy gold.

Irrelevant argument. While we waste our time arguing over this trivial debate, the more important things are being lost.

Yeah, Eddie rocks. And he's got a nice distinctive voice, so I can always tell right off that this is a satire :)

Research has shown that there is a precise correlation (of inverse proportion) between an American's IQ and their location on the meridian, on the one hand, and the length of time they get into an Eddie Current movie before they start thinking to themselves "hey, I thought he was agreeing with me, doh! Is this that weird thing we don't get already, gee what is that - satire?"

By mackerelsaladboy (not verified) on 21 Mar 2009 #permalink

Gotta love Edward Current.