People are not Animals (And Evolution Never Happened)!

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The deluded, ignorant followers of Darwin believe that man is actually a type of animal. This video disprove this godless blasphemy with totally real facts [3:46]

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Aaaah Friday morning lols. Unscared deer!

"When was the last time you saw someone behaving like an animal?"

- woof.

I really think this is a joke, the images and the read text seem to be chosen to force the patent absurdity of the speaker's line of reasoning on to the listener...

I was afraid this was going to be serious. This was hysterical. And anything with a muppet it in is okay by me!

Ok, first of all your "evidence" comes from a book that has been writen and revised many times. And YES there are simularities between us and animal. Maybe not all animals but primates most deffinatly. In your video you make completly stupid comparisons between a young monkey and some sort of actress. First you point out that there eyes are far apart. Everyone looks DIFFERENT!!!!! Secound you point out that the monkey has dry wrinkled lips. Us humans use cap stick and other treatments so we dont look like that. And lastly you say that if we could find every transitional peice of bone you would be a atheist. That would take hundreds of years. You show me god and i will gladly be a catholic or what ever you are. You cant do it. All you can say is "oh this book tells us". You cant back it up with real tangible evidence. So fuck off and stop wasting peoples time with you drivle.

By Aaron Mikkelson (not verified) on 20 Mar 2009 #permalink

now wait just a stinking minute, doug! stop telling all these good people to stop taking this video seriously. i am having enormous fun reading all these comments!