Resisting The Urge: A Guide For Christian Boys

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Eternal purity requires eternal vigilance against the devil's hand. Here are some practical tips to keep you from "playing with your Genesis" [5:02]

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Oh, that was just so weird to watch! Why do these people have such an "issue" with masturbation? It certainly helped me get through adolescence. I was just creeped out, frankly...

I think that Ed Current's videos are meant as parody. I mean at least if you look at some of his other ones, he's either a parody or the worse fundamentalist ever.

By Whitecoat Tales (not verified) on 29 Mar 2009 #permalink

Thank you for this very timely video. I struggle with - and lose to - the urge every day. Now this video has shown me there is hope to overcome all the grasping and stroking and rubbing and pleasure and...just a minute, I'll be right back.

Ok, I'm back. Like I was saying, thanks for this great public service. Anyone got a smoke?

I'm going to go with parody here too. The video is about resisting the temptation to masturbate, but his examples for that temptation include climbing the rope in gym class (who still does that?) and wrestling with your friends. The gay innuendos are pretty obvious. For a video about sexual "purity" homosexuality doesn't really jive with the message.

On the other hand, totally hilarious!

"strangle the serpent"


Biting parody.

That was hilarious!

As always, it's difficult to distinguish between wingnuttia and satire. This was satire, but you can tell that only from the closing credits. Plus the throwing up in the mouth at the very end.

Don't be too sure he isn't being serious. Most fundi's are not very smart. Look at the garbage they believe and promote as truth. They are looking for really stupid people to follow them and donate to them. Hey! We all gotta get money to live on. They choose to trick the stupid people into their scam. They are just trying to make a living and a lot of stupid people have at least some money.

Ah come on Jesus paid for our sins, let's get our $$$ worth.

this guy is a douche bag

So by this logic... You should only use one sperm to get to the egg. Because by blowing your load in a chick a 999,999 tiny little angels will die.

And screw you about the left handed bible camp you ass hole.

This is so creepy.

And if sex wasn't meant for pleasure it wouldn't have been mad to feel pleasureful.

guys like this is what gives christian's a bed name.